SCOTT WALKER DROPPING OUT OF THE RACE. According to the New York Times, the Wisconsin Governor will announce his withdrawal from the presidential race at 6:00 pm tonight. Which is a real shame, as Walker was one of the very few on the stage last week who has proved that he has the wherewithal to stand up and fight–and win–against lib-progs on their own turf, repeatedly. (And, I might add, he’s the only candidate with the advantage of being a Green Bay Packers fan).
The big question for us in Virginia is, of course, where does Walker’s organization go now that their candidate has gone away? Walker’s state chairman is Sen. Mark Obenshain (R-Harrisonburg), who is one of the most popular politicians in the state. It’s a terrible bit of bad luck for Obenshain to have backed a seemingly strong candidate only to see him back out well over six months before the results will start to take shape. More as things develop.