Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh
United States Court of Appeals
District of Columbia Circuit
333 Constitution Ave NW
Washington, DC 20001
Dear Judge Kavanaugh and Family:
I write this letter to thank you for standing up for the best of America, and your willingness to put yourself at risk for her. You and your family have paid a high price for your steadfast commitment to justice and fairness. Your wife and little girls need to know their dad is a hero to many, many Americans.
As a dad and now a grandfather, I consider myself responsible for a son, daughter and five grandchildren. Whether my grandchildren know it or not, the Constitution matters and the Rule of Law matters. If we lose either, then America goes into the history books as but another failed experiment in the development of stable societies. I prefer we not lose, and good and great men like you are absolutely needed to keep the best of America moving forward from generation to generation.
One of the more entertaining aspects of the harassment which you all endure is that these protestors don’t understand the nature of the Irish. Irishmen love a good fight and they love to win. Your willingness to fight injustice is clear. You are the very best of role models.
Dr. Robert A. Warren