By now it’s no secret to those who have read my articles that I am 100% Pro-Life, recognizing that it begins at conception, fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God (Psalm 139:14), Advocating and working to help spread the word about genuine pro-life candidates to encourage and educate the voters to elect such in all branches and levels of Government.
I do so unapologetically and while I and many praise God that Roe V Wade has been overturned and power given back to the states, our work is far from over and we need to put the pressure upon our Governors and those in both chambers of the Legislative Branch and push for a life at conception bill with no exceptions or negotiation of limits to weeks.
One argument I once heard from an individual who supported abortion (even making a sick point that it could be declared in some cases, self-defense for the woman’s sake) in a debate prior to the overturning of Roe V Wade stated that they hope the Supreme Court of the United States would do the right thing and uphold the Constitution by allowing Roe V Wade to remain law of the land (Not a word for word quote but a summary of what they said).
So to educate all sides of the political spectrum with the facts, I’m about to explain further why abortion was not only never a Constitutional right like some have claimed it is but instead a contradiction to our nation’s sacred document.
Earlier today I came across a photograph of who I believe is Benjamin Franklin on Facebook with the following quote of fact.
“The Constitution does not state abortion is a right, it does however, say no state shall make no law depriving any person of life!”
Well the fact is, murder is unlawful according to the God-given Ten Commandments and our Constitution and the 14th Amendment in Section 1 it does indeed state the following in defense for the right to life:
“All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the
United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. – The Constitution of the United States (Amendment 14, Section 1)”
And this applies to all life and that includes life inside the womb as well. It’s there in black and white, clear as crystal for all to understand and comprehend. It’s time for all who regard the law on the local, state and federal levels of government to start upholding it and do that which should have been done a long time ago, ending the genocide of precious unborn babies and to cease justifying this unlawful and immoral activity.
Sometimes I wonder if the Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States who ruled in favor of Roe V Wade actually read the Constitution, for if they truly paid attention to it they would know that their ruling was not only a contradiction but an unlawful one at that. This is a prime example of why it’s important to know who we elect to protect and uphold the Constitution. The President of the United States nominates those for the highest court in the land and it’s the United States Senate who gives confirmation or denial to the nominees.
Here in Virginia, we have both the House and Senate up for election this year and whether you want to talk about it or not the truth is that one of the major issues in this election is abortion. Hold those who are running for election accountable to do the right thing for the sake of unborn life and this goes for Governor Glenn Youngkin as well! Life isn’t to be deprived or denied to any and all, it begins at conception and 15 to 20 weeks or any compromise is still unlawful contradiction to the Constitution.
A recent movie starring Jim Caviezel titled “Sound of Freedom” which portrays a real life scenario of child trafficking, exploiting it for what it really is has been a very popular film among many Christian and Conservative individuals and while I as of this writing haven’t seen the movie yet I know many that have, this quote from the film many have shared on social media really speaks volumes as far as I’m concerned.
And how true that is! They are not for sale nor is their life up for negotiation!
1 comment
“it begins at conception” Conception is when the egg is fertilized. Most fertilized eggs never implant in the uterus. So, according to you, there is mass murder every menstrual cycle