When our kids grow to a certain age, they begin to understand right from wrong. And we’ve all seen the parents who let their kids get away with everything with no repercussions, things don’t turn out so well.
Enter the Democrat party, and their years of deception and corruption with the help of their partners in the corporate media. I can go back to Benghazi, or maybe Fast and Furious? How about the IRS singling out conservative organizations for audit? Or we can take a swing over to the spying on a presidential candidate and his campaign, framing him as “colluding” with Russia. What about Ukraine business dealings between a then Vice President and his son? The mountain of evidence on that one is breathtaking.
Or how about weaponizing a justice system against a former president and raiding his home? I really get a kick out of the media and Democrats crying about how President-Elect Trump is going to be going after his “political enemies”. It’s like a bully who keeps picking on you and when you finally learn Kung Fu and fight back they say “how dare you!?” (Greta Thunberg voice).
And then there’s the COVID lockdown that we suffered through with vaccine mandates and family members we were prohibited from seeing when they were dying. And our kids that couldn’t go to school. The therapeutic medicines that were blocked from our market because big pharma’s stranglehold on our healthcare system.
And I apologize, I almost forgot the disgraceful Afghanistan withdrawal with 13 dead service members and $85 billion worth of military equipment we left behind to the terrorist regime we were at war with. They harbored a terrorist that committed the largest attack in America’s history and we gave them billions of dollars worth of military equipment two decades later. None of you establishment stiffs want to hold anyone to account for that?
Did I miss anything?
I’m sure I missed something, because there have been many instances of deception and corruption this century that the powers that be think we will continue to sweep under the rug without accountability.
But accountability is coming. That’s why this election was so pivotal. If the Democrats maintained the White House and had at least one chamber in Congress, there would have been no accountability for the decades of corruption in this country.
The reelection of Donald Trump changed that.
In a sense, the 2020 loss was a blessing. Donald Trump learned a lot about what we are up against, and he probably wouldn’t have been in a position to bring about the accountability we’re about to see on the “saving democracy” folks. There are some that think he wouldn’t have been able to make sweep changes if the 2020 election turned out differently. I tend to agree with that notion.
Speaking of democracy, any free country’s survival depends on leaders who are accountable to the voters. Without accountability, there is no democracy. The irony in all of this is the best way to save our country and democracy, is to bring accountability to the people who have fed us lies, squandered our money and gotten us entangled into overseas conflicts with countries we have no reason to be in conflict with. These are the same “saving democracy” and “protect institutions” people.
Without accountability, they’ll do it again. Maybe not in the next four years, but we will revisit the madness and hysteria of an establishment that gets drunk on its power and abusive with its schemes if no one is accountable for what they put the country through.
They know it’s over. Their actions will get more desperate the closer we get to January 20 and beyond. If we let these past few years go and sweep them under the rug, the re-election of Donald Trump would have meant nothing.
But fear not, my friends. President-Elect Trump is signaling a new day. He’s appointing the right people to bring about the fundamental changes we need to reign in this bloated, bureaucratic oligarchy to its knees, before he shatters the deep state into a billion pieces.
Accountability is coming.