It is an absolute clown show and disgrace to observe our elected leaders protest, beat drums, and sing silly songs in opposition to what most American taxpayers voted for last November.
James Poplar
Let’s just hope our “Best and Brightest” are up to the task of ending this incessant conflict as the whole world is watching American leadership continue to endure as serve as that “shinning city on the hill” for the free world.
Mr. LaRock it is simply not your time to enter the fray, for the greater good, please step aside.
By connecting the dots and following the money, we can ensure a more efficient government, resulting in happier taxpayers and a more productive workforce.
Life is good and my faith in humanity has been restored.
Don’t be the frog who was boiled alive thinking he was merely taking a warm bath.
If anything, these most recent disasters has illustrated that those public servants seeking to represent us must be thoroughly vetted for their educational background, professional experience, ability to think critically, make sound decisions, and exercise common sense. We must demand accountability and hold our leaders responsible for the decisions that affect our safety, environment, and future.