Tyrants respect only power, be it perceived or actual
James Poplar
Let’s hope for the sake not only our nation and the world that President Biden gets it right for once before it is too late.
When the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is preoccupied with wanting to “understand white rage,” climate change, and other social engineering issues versus warfighting, it is time for a reset.
The flag is part of our heritage as Americans, and I plan to continue to fly my Gadsden flag with pride, knowing that it represents American independence
we are a nation poised on the precipice of decline
Rather than work hard and pursue the American Dream and contribute back to society they have found it much easier for them to simply sit back and to rely on the government to provide
Washington Post finally acknowledged the most obvious falsehood of the decade: Joe Biden, during the 2020 Presidential Debate, denied his son had made money in China earning the President the Post’s four “Pinocchio’s.”