“Maintain justice and do what is right.” Isaiah 56:1
Michael Giere
“..the message from the Garden speaks of submission and sacrifice – of selfless, unrelenting love that takes us an eternity from ourselves.”
This is the type of insanity that passes for serious science and policy from bureaucrats who can only create chaos – nothing of value.
Freedom would become a relative matter of compliance, not a right.
Or will XI wait until the November elections in the US, hoping to get the compromised Biden administration back in power?
The goal of the new cultural revolution is to attack and destroy old customs, old culture, old habits, and old ideas. Nothing in Western civilization or the American way of life will go untouched if the radials are not stopped.
In the meantime, the monsters and dictators grow as thick as fleas. They tell us who they are, and our leaders ignore the hard for the frivolous.