“I am hardening my position on immigration because we are at war and I fear we may be losing this war.” – Lawrence Kudlow
Mick Staton
Our leaders need to start taking this problem seriously.
Giving credit where it’s due, the Senate finally comes through on voting to repeal Obamacare and defund Planned Parenthood
As faith in our elected leaders fades, we need to place a higher emphasis on honesty and integrity in our politicians.
Syrian “refugees” already infiltrating America. For those who think we should not be stopping the Obama Administration’s plans to bring tens of thousands of Syrian refugees to America, and that the American ‘vetting’ process is just fine and dandy, I’ll just leave you with these…
Senator Black calls on McAuliffe to join other governors across the U.S. in opposition to bringing potentially dangerous Syrian refugees into Virginia.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing – Edmund Burke