Unit Chairman who started the chaos in the 97th District suffers near unanimous defeat.
Mick Staton
Ron is desperate to claim some aspect of conservatism
Congrssional District Chairman want to discuss what is going on in the 97th, and RPV personnel’s actions to date.
This is just the latest in a long line of shameful actions taken on behalf of a power hungry incumbent who won’t take no for an answer.
Scott Wyatt has filed an appeal with the 1st Congressional District Committee over the actions of the 97th Legislative District Committee to ignore the results of the convention held on May 4th, and to change the method of nomination to a primary. On January 19th,…
Tom Miller provides an update on the current state of affairs in the 97th District
I was disappointed, but not surprised, at some of the reactions to my latest post calling on RPV Chairman Jack Wilson to resign. The most outlandish response came from Matt Hall whose writings really capture what is wrong with the Republican Party in Virginia right…