The fearmongering on the left is so constant, pandering obviously to only the disaffected or to liberal guilt, that they simply no longer have language capable of reaching average Americans.
Steven Brodie Tucker
Save us Nancy Pelosi. You’re our only hope.
Getting rid of conservatives might just be what the doctor ordered for Trump, Ryan, McConnell and millions of blue-collar and poor-white-welfare families all across the country.
Yes, the U.S. Navy secures critical trade infrastructure; but so do free-trade agreements.
Democrats are increasingly organized. Yet, we cannot simply throw our hands in the air and accept defeat.
I haven’t been writing a lot lately, because I’m pretty sure that Virginia Republicans are going to continue slitting one another’s throats until there is no one left to vote.
A significant number of our fellow citizens have suffered enough under our current global outlook that they no longer care for abstractions like “What’s good for America.”