GOP unit chairmen and women gathered in Bowling Green today to deliver reports to 1st District Chairman Eric Herr regarding ground operations on behalf of Donald Trump.
Steven Brodie Tucker
The importance of general elections goes far beyond the two candidates involved. Winning legislative majorities in Congress and the General Assembly is a strategic necessity for blocking the prevailing progressive agendas in the States and in Washington D.C..
Paul Manafort Resigns as Trump Chairman.
In Wisconsin, where Ted Cruz won with 48.2% of the vote, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan trounced his “conservative” opponent. In Paul Ryan’s historic 1st district, Ted Cruz beat Donald Trump by 19 percentage points.
If Trump does not take the narrative back from Secretary Clinton, he likely won’t win Pennsylvania and Ohio which he’ll absolutely have to win if he loses North Carolina and Virginia, as I expect he might.
I tell you, there are worse things than the smug satisfaction of a Trump Supporter. With practice, patience, and a sincere dedication to the biblical virtues of long-suffering, you too can utter the words, “I’m voting for Trump”, even in front of smug Trump supporting evangelists.
Maybe we don’t need “Tea Parties”. Maybe what we really need are Conservative Caucuses that meet separately from the rest of their local Republican Committees.