On August 23rd, Morton Blackwell will host Ed Gillespie, Carly Fiorina, and a committee of committed grassroots activists and Republican Party leaders for a conversation about job creation and economic growth.
Steven Brodie Tucker
There is no solution more effective than the conscious decision to allow the party, as an institution, the dignity of priority. The Republican Party is a big tent and the inescapable reality facing us is that no amount of surreptitious unity-baiting will deliver us from the necessity of intrapartisan competition. Our future success as a national party depends upon how we engage in this competition.
Trump’s supporters are on the warpath against any Republican who gives Trump less than their full throated support.
What is astonishing, is that this entire debacle was unnecessary. Donald Trump clearly has a problem taking criticism, a character flaw which will be the cause of many challenges in a future Trump Administration, especially considering Trump’s desire to end the 1st Amendment rights of journalists.
17 Republicans ran for the Republican Nomination and Donald Trump was the consensus choice. That’s no conspiracy and it was no accident.
Governor McAuliffe and the Democrats will try to run against the 2nd Amendment in 2017, but they will face a Republican Bench of unapologetic supporters of Virginia’s Gun Rights.
President Obama’s numbers have been steady or rising since the debt ceiling standoff in the last quarter of 2011.