The conservative movement may have a shot at changing our nation’s direction in ways that do not require burning it to the ground first.
Steven Brodie Tucker
The Republican Party is the dominant and most successful political party in America. Period.
Things are bad and they need to change, but there are ways of changing things that simply do not involve Hillary Clinton in the Oval Office.
Politicos horrified by the idea that either Hillary Clinton or Donald J. Trump will be the next President of the United States still seem astonished that the majority of Americans do not seem to feel the same way
What is worse, if as individuals we cannot take responsibility for ourselves, then we become objects of dependence on any power willing to offer us security in exchange for our own individual sovereignty.
Trump actually represents, not the Republican Base, but the disenfranchised Blue Dog Democrat base.
Don’t hate those of us who you know are dedicated to building a better Republican Party, but who choose to do so by supporting the entire ticket. We’re not evil and we aren’t selling out.