Mueller report, Avanatti indictment, Smollett and Green New Deal show the party of the “Rich and Shameless” for who they really are
Not since the irate Bernie Sanders supporter shot at and wounded members of Congress practicing softball on a field in Alexandria in June 2017 have liberals and the Democratic Party had a worst week than this past one.
In some cases, the following events are not just devastating defeats for the Party of the “Rich and Shameless” (to borrow from Woody Zimmerman ), but revealed their true aims for all the world to see – along with their co-conspirators in the “fake news” liberal media:
1. The Mueller Report vindicates Trump: Democrats and the media are still in denial and want the investigation to continue and think Attorney General Robert Barr’s summation is B.S., but the fact special counsel Robert Mueller said he would not seek any more indictments and said there was no collusion by Trump with the Russians is a devastating blow to the entire liberal “Resistance,” which was spawned in the aftermath of Hillary Clinton’s electoral college loss to Trump in November 2016. In fact, a large number of Democratic presidential candidates have said the liberal voters they encounter do not even bring it up at town halls! But being Rich and Shameless the Jerrold Nadlers and Adam Schif fs of the world will carry on with Russia, as will CNN (“Collusion News Network) and MSDNC.
2. The liberal media – Although conservatives want the media to apologize and show contrition, do not expect this to happen and do not expect any letup in the anti-Trump onslaught. The Democrat/media game plan now is to talk more about health care. Only if advertisers start to vacate will the liberal networks, Washington Post and New York Times do some soul searching.
3. The Clintons and Obama appointees – Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-SC) is vowing an investigation into how the Obama administration, with help from the Clinton campaign’s “dossier,” embarked on this entire Russia/Trump probe. I expect Graham to “out” a number of operatives inside the former administration including a MSDNC/CNN talking heads like former CIA Chief John Brennan and director of National Intelligence James Clapper. So, Adam Schiff and Jerrold Nadler can pursue Trump vis-a-vis a redacted Mueller report, but Lindsey Graham can pursue them. Meanwhile, our senior senator, Mark Warner (D), who co-chairs the committee looking into Russia, has become a loony as Schiff and the rest of the Democrat Russsia-probe clowns.
4. The Green New Deal – Ingenue Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’ proposal to get rid of cars, jets and cows was defeated 57-0 with all Senate Democrats voting “present” including presidential candidates, who on the campaign trail, still appeal to emotion and utopianism and say they support the Green New Deal. It is obvious from this meaningless vote that the Democrats are shameless and not about solutions, but fantasies to tickle their radical base.
5. Porn star lawyer Mike Avenatti charged with fraud and extortion involving Nike shoes. The former attorney for Stormy Daniels, and fellow CNN legal commentator, Mark Geragos, face multiple counts of extortion and fraud in trying to disgorge $25 million from Nike shoes, which complained to the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York (the same people whom the Resistance hopes will topple Trump family members in the Russia probe). Avenatti was supposedly on CNN and MSDNC about 180 times over the past two years, including fomenting the rape allegations against Justice Brett Kavanaugh. Another liberal hero exposed.
6. Trump recognizes Israel control of the Golan; Democratic candidates boycott AIPAC. The United States now recognizes Israel’s control of the Golan Heights, the strategic mountainous area in Southwest Syria that Israel occupied after the Six Day War in 1967. As expected, a number Democrats denounced the move This announcement came as the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) opened its annual conference in DC, in which not ONE Democratic presidential candidate (all invited) agreed to speak! Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer did speak. But the two issues combined lend more credence to the fact the “party of Harry Truman” (who went against advisers and recognized Israeli independence in 1948) is anti-Israel and will not stand up to anti-Semitic supporters. What was lost in all of this is that Trump’s recognition of Israeli control of the Golan is another anti-Russia move, defying the liberal narrative the president is a Putin Puppet.
7. False crime report charges against actor Jussie Smollett dropped: The “Empire” actor, who staged an assault on himself by two hired blokes in MAGA hats so he could “prove” Trump supporters are racists and evil, was exonerated by the Cook County, IL, prosecutor, which is looking more and more like a political maneuver in Chicago dirty politics. Republicans should try to score points on this. Not only does this pit Chicago Mayor and former Obama chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, who denounced the decision, against fellow Democrats in his city – but one of Michelle Obama’s former aides may have engineered the dropped charges! This is yet another case of there being justice for the rich and the poor – African American voters, in particular, need to wake up and take notice.
8. Another affluent (probably liberal) couple indicted in college admissions scam: Physician Gregory Colburn and wife, Amy, of Palo Alto, CA, are said to have paid $25,000 to help their son cheat on the SATs, according to an FBI affidavit. One check was labeled as a “charitable donation” in the memo line. The more this scandal unfolds, the more it helps Republicans and Trump’s argument the lower and middle classes are screwed by the elites.
9. Trump’s effort to use military funds for border wall succeeds when the House fails to override his veto of a measure to stop him from dipping into such funds. While the Senate and the House passed it with some Republican help, the failure shows the Democrats’ inability to work toward solutions — i.e., immigration reform. Trump can now take $3.6 billion from military construction projects to add 57 miles of new fencing. So important, as the president would say!
10. Stock market continues to climb – The Dow Jones now sits at about 26,000, and there are now about 1 million more jobs open than applicants. The more the economy improves, the more this kills the Democrats’ hope to run on this issue in 20202.
I am sure there are more examples where the Left failed this week, but that’s pretty good for now.
However, liberals remain unrepentant in their efforts to Resist and topple the president. Again, thanks to Woody Zimmerman for outing the Dems for what they have become – the party of the “Rich and Shameless.” Let’s hope this is emblazed in voters’ minds when they come to the polls in Virginia elections this November and in 2020!