Contested bills up on the Senate floor today:
- SB894: Civil actions; liability of employer or principal for criminal sexual assault by employee or agent.
- SB918: Driving under the influence; driving or operating a motor vehicle, etc., while intoxicated.
- SB1254: Comprehensive plan; environmental justice strategy.
- SB1267: Zoning; enhanced civil penalties; certain residential violations.
- SB1305: Local taxes; change to zoning ordinances, etc
- SB1313: Affordable housing; local zoning ordinance authority; comprehensive plan.
- HB1639: Health insurance; tobacco surcharge, removes sunset.
- HB1716: Contraception; establishes right to obtain, applicability, enforcement.
- HB1601: Siting of data centers; site assessment; high energy use facility.
- HB1608: Firearm industry members; standards of responsible conduct; civil liability.
- HB1690: Eminent domain; documents provided to landowner.
- HB1735: Voter registration; time period for closing registration records before certain elections.
- HB1757: Compensation of court-appointed counsel.
- HB1764: Disposable plastic bag tax; distribution to towns.
Check out these bills and let your delate and senator know how feel about them.