The Washington Post is reporting that Democrat candidate in the 57th House district, Susanna Gibson, solicited ‘tips’ for performing various sex acts live, online, with her husband.
Gibson is a nurse practitioner and mother of two young children. She is running in a competitive district outside of Richmond. She posted live sex acts on Chaturbate, “the act of masturbating while chatting online.” Through the open site she encouraged viewers to send ‘tips’ that she could convert to money.
From The Washington Post:
“Chaturbate videos are streamed live on that site and are often archived on other publicly available sites. More than a dozen videos of the couple captured from the Chaturbate streamwere archived on one of those sites — Recurbate — in September 2022, after she entered the race. The most recent were two videos archived on Sept. 30, 2022. It is unclear when the live stream occurred.”
See more gross details at the Post link as well as here and here.
The Democrat Candidate was sodomized by her husband for payment.
The Va Republican Administration sodomizes Virginia’s legal workforce by allowing illegal aliens to circumnavigate Virginia laws.
Now it appears this Candidate will undoubtedly one day have to answer to her daughter or daughter in-law.
Voters is this a woman you want in Virginia’s General Assembly making decisions for your children without your consent?
Loudoun County
Appomattox County
I believe another problem for this stupid slutty woman is that creating porn is only legal in a couple of states… Cali pornia of course and maybe Nevada… not sure of that but obviously CA as that is where it comes from, along with other slime like Pelosi and Newsome
Apparently SBN, your gal could be charged with prostitution in VA…irginia law states that “any person who, for money or its equivalent … engages in sexual intercourse” or other sexual acts with another person “is guilty of prostitution, which is punishable as a Class 1 misdemeanor.”
Shawn M. Cline, a former prosecutor and defense attorney in Virginia Beach who represents people charged with sex crimes, said in his view it’s a “chargeable offense.”
“The statute is very clear, you cannot for money or its equivalent perform sex acts,”
I wholeheartedly agree with you on the Class 1 misdemeanor but if Republican AG Myares does that he should then grow a pair and charge ALL of the Unlicensed Contractors he has the VEC as “bona-fide” independent contractors.
1st offense is a Class 1 misdemeanor
2nd offense is a Class 6 Felony and we haven’t even cracked the iceberg on taxes and workers comp.
Now I don’t agree with the female Democrat Candidate but I am here to say
yea go after the low hanging political fruit.
Pure ineptitude at the Va AG’s Office!
Biden’s Illegal aliens are Va’s illegal employers conducting illegal commerce.
Book her then Barney Fife. Cleaning up the mean streets on dippy broad at a time. Maybe next time just pay a porn star instead of her spouse. Bet that’s never been done before. “Was A” is right but low hanging political fruit, especially of a salacious nature, is what gets you all hot and bothered, to hell with actually making a difference. Care to guess why the Republican AG can’t be bothered to go after contractors that use undocumented labor? Bet not. Nooooo, you’d rather carp on about bimbo broad banging her husband on tv.
You care about undocumented labor SBN? Aren’t you a Bushie GOP sort? That worthless piece of crap never saw an illegal he didn’t want to let into the country and give employment to… What??? Do you give crap to the assholes at Bearing Grift… people who never saw an illegal they didn’t want to amnesty for the Chamber of Commerce and corporate GOP interests..
Yeah the GOP AG in VA isn’t likely to do much, but it is only a misdeamenor to employee illegals… the real power to do so lies at DHS with stiff penalties for hiring illlegals… but corporations use third party verification agencies to shield themselves.. and DHS isn’t looking for illegal labor anyway..
But hey I agree with you… go get illegals. Holy crap SBN… maybe you have half a brain if you care about illegal labor…
These new kinds of fundraising are getting ridiculous.
Knew the ol BE wouldn’t be able to resist this hard hitting news story. Lol. Meh, at least she was doing it with her husband instead of propping her “business” up with illegal laborers. Free market entrepreneur.
You are perversion personified.
I’m perversion personified? You may want to check with your Bible Belt brethren in the pew next to you since they are the largest consumers of this type of “service”.
“It may or may not surprise you to find out that the US’s Bible belt states have a higher porn consumption on average.
According to two years of Google Trends data examined by Brock University researchers, states that tended to be more religious were also searching for the word sex on the web more than other states
In fact, what we can conclude is that of the 12 known “Bible Belt” states (UT, TX, OK, AR, LA, MS, TN, AL, KY, GA, NC, SC), 9 out those 12 states land in the top 10 list for porn consumption, repeatedly, across all four data sets.“
But I’m the perv……”John Wayne”. Lmao, John Wayne. That’s cute. Keep swinging, and missing both of you. At least you’re consistent.
You are the one poo poo ing the issue, so you must be a porn addict. And as to your stupid list… Go back to Google and you can find a large number of hits regarding which state consume the most porn and many are not the Bible Belt.. DC ranks high… on one result… You are likely a DC resident…
Bet you like to watch Puppy play… which we learned what the F that is from one of Biden’s appointees..
And it is Dems who are lamenting the protect children from porn bill in Virginia.. You too pendejo..I’ll bet..
I “poopoo” the issue because while I think she will lose anyway, this may get fat old conservatives all hot and sweaty, I don’t think in general it resonates.
Wrong again on DC resident. Why would I be commenting on a Va political blog if I was a DC resident. Use your peanut a little bit. But you are correct in DC consistently being way up there. See what happens when you actually look something up instead of just making assumptions. “Puppy play”?, that’s a new one on me but I don’t spend my time fixated on someone else’s fetishes. You keep up the good work though. And wrong again on the porn bill. I don’t have the chase around pud pullers to not want kids to be exposed. Adults however?, yeah, don’t care if you go blind on that stuff. And no, before you make another stupid assumption, I’m not talking about underage garbage. Consenting adults?, I thought conservatives were all about personal freedom? Turn the channel if you don’t like it.
Your comment is incoherent… you can’t stop children from watching it if it is free without some kind of verification of age… like buying alcohol. That was the point of the damn law…. Is it going to work? No… but it was worth a try not to expose children to the likes of this stupid bitch and her husband whoring herself on some heinous website that marks another end of the US culture..
And this is now on the AP and the Democrats are supporting her… so your comment about having it her on TBE is another load of your crap.
So now it’s my fault if you can’t keep up? 🤦♂️
To the rest of your screed, did I say it would work? No. Did I say it wasn’t worth a try? Noooo
Go argue with the mirror some more because you’re chasing ghosts.
No she wasn’t all the time… she has an “ethical non monogamous relationship” with her husband.. She has hit the national news. And it is relevant to Virginia politics. I guess you are one of the guys who thinks that the ban on Porn Hub in Virginia is horrible
The perfect metaphor for the modern democrat socialist. If she loses, Biden will appoint her to be Secretary of HHS.
Well… I guess this society has fallen to such a low level that it won’t matter, will it Jeanine? She’ll get elected I guess..
HD 57 is s true swing District. Gibson will likely lose now.
How do you know this was actually not an engineered event from the start? I think that there is the possibility that this was planned to bring attention to her campaign. Hasn’t Trump proven that being bad wins elections? The people who claim to be offended by this were never going to vote for a Democrat anyhow, now were they? I say this increases her chances of winning, not by just a little, but a lot. The funny part is that the media says she is running on a lower healthcare costs platform. To believe that any healthcare provider wants to lower healthcare premiums is beyond hilarious. Nothing but complete, absolute, total, BS. 😂😂😂😂Just like any elected freshmen, she would be totally without a voice for years and do what her party tells her to. Work the phones.