As anyone with an ounce of common sense knew the Mueller Report was a complete dud insofar as the hopes of Democrats are concerned. (The full report is here.
For those of you who may have forgotten, Mueller was originally tasked with finding out whether the Trump campaign, or even Donald Trump himself, conspired with the Russian government to affect the outcome of the 2016 Presidential election. This fantasy has been floated by Democrats since President Trump was duly elected.
The Mueller Report reveals this fantasy to be a complete mirage. It is ironic that those who screamed that Donald Trump must accept the election results then turned the tables and asserted his election was fraudulent resorting to any means possible to attempt to remove him from office.
The genesis of this witch hunt, as President Trump rightly calls it, occurred on May 10, 2016, at London’s Kensington Wine Rooms, where the idiot and moron George Papadopoulos told the top Australian diplomat to the United Kingdom, Alexander Downer, that Russia was in possession of emails relating to Hillary Clinton. Any normal person would have looked at the background of Papadopoulos and determined he was not credible and may have in fact been mentally imbalanced.
Instead, Peter Strzok, whose texts with his paramour Lisa Page revealed, decided this was a way for the FBI to open up a counter-intelligence investigation, despite the fact Papadopoulos had no credibility.
From this tiny acorn began the months long investigation wasting millions of dollars and resulting in the ultimate conclusion by Mueller no such collusion or conspiracy had occurred.
The sad fact is the Democrats merely refused to accept they were defeated in a free and fair election and engaged in a months long fantasy spree that Mueller would prove the Russians were behind Trump’s election as President. These same Democrats today even insist they lost the election due to foreign influence.
Did the Russians buy some Facebook ads? It appears likely. Did these ads affect the outcome of the election? No. Incidentally, some of these Facebook ads were in opposition to Hillary Clinton. I don’t know if anyone noticed but when a Facebook ad was in favor of Hillary Clinton her supporters screamed that the ad in her favor was designed to “sow discord” whatever that means. In other words, the pro-Hillary Clinton Facebook ads were somehow designed by the Russians to be anti-Hillary Clinton because they “sowed discord.”
In any event, any rational person must conclude after the release of the Mueller report that Donald Trump did not collude with Russian government officials to alter the outcome of the election.