Long ago my classmates and I shivered in Sunday School class when we learned about ancient Mesopotamian people who worshipped the evil god Moloch by throwing their children into a burning bonfire. We wondered how evil like that could have happened. What could the parents have been thinking? And how could they ever forget what they had done? Even as young children we thanked the Lord that our country and our culture was nothing like that.
But, as they say, that was then (USA, ca. 1950) and this is now. Are we the same country that fought Hitler’s Nazis and bombed their country to rubble to stop their evil campaign of genocide? As John Wayne might say, “Not hardly.”
In the half-century between 1973 and 2022, Abortion Rights grew into a potent political issue and became the lodestone of Democrats who once characterized themselves as the “party of the common man.” Guided by the twisted judgment of a misguided Supreme Court, a nation that once called itself “Christian” killed 61 million unborn children, with barely a hint of regret or jot of serious calculation to reckon how much the loss of those future citizens has cost us.
In fact, the destruction has put Hitler’s vile work completely in the shade. His death camps gassed and burned a mere 12 million. What a piker. Abortion has promoted us to the big leagues. Moloch would be so proud. Maybe he’ll make a comeback. After all, as G. K. Chesterton observed, “When men stop believing in God, they don’t believe in nothing; they believe in anything.”

Experienced political observers and analysts say that when politicians want to draw the public’s attention away from some disadvantageous issue, they often pose another issue in its place. But frequently the replacement is just as bad as the original issue – or even worse.
That very phenomenon is happening here today. What might be called the “transgender craze” is grabbing attention and headlines all across the country. Media of all stripes love it because it answers their central question: Where’s the conflict? Boys dressed in drag want to use the girls’ restrooms and locker rooms, and in many cases they’re getting official approval to do so. (Is this a great country, or what?)
Male athletes who claim they have transgendered to “shemale” are winning women’s athletic events – robbing real females of titles and scholarships which should be theirs. The radical chic political movement of “transgender rights” – based only on “feelings” claimed by persons involved – is being championed by educators, politicians, and medical people who should be laughing hysterically at a cause basically equivalent to “the earth is flat.”
But the transgender craze is much more than boys ogling girls in the locker room and deranged “educators” spouting nonsense in the classroom. These are disgusting enough, but the trans-movement’s true descent into darkness involves deliberate physical deforming of children who think they want to change to the sex opposite to their true biological self.
Girls who want to be boys – but never will be – are having healthy breasts and reproductive organs removed, and are receiving steroid-dosages to prevent their normal development into adult women. Likewise, boys too young to understand the non-reversible implications are having their masculinity destroyed by destructive surgery and administration of puberty-preventing drugs. None of the girls and boys undergoing these macabre procedures will have their biological chromosome-arrangement altered from XX (female) or XY (male). These are unchangeable.

Where will all this wicked “gender-affirming” sex-change surgery and medication take us? Who will be affected, and in what ways? I see at five likely directions and affected groups:
- Children subjected to trans-gender surgeries and puberty-blocking medications will become depressed and frustrated adults who realize that witless parents, depraved authorities, and misguided medicos have destroyed not only their childhoods, but their ability to live normal adult lives of reproduction and parenthood. They will never carry on their family lines by begetting children of their own blood. Statistics already show that many will take their own lives in final acts of grief and despair.
- Parents who allowed their children to be victimized and permanently damaged by irreversible trans-gender surgeries will find themselves estranged from their children after they grasp the extent of the injury that was done to them. Only lawyers will be happy, as victimized children bring rafts of lawsuits against parents and doctors who allowed life-destroying mutilations that only Dr. Mengele could be proud of.
- Educators who “guided” children into these unalterable life-changes, by preaching lies about the happiness they will find with a gender-transition, will eventually be exposed, denounced, and driven from the profession by enraged parents.
- Medical practitioners who violated their Hippocratic Oath – “First do no harm” – by performing harmful operations on children will be publicly flamed and decertified. They will be branded as instruments of leftists who wish to disrupt and damage society by calling the vilest and most destructive procedures “medical care.” They bear the most blame for perpetration of this evil because they had the power to stop it.
- The Nation will suffer irreparable harm by losing the reproductive ability of children victimized by foolish parents and depraved educators and doctors. The children they might have produced – who never came into being at all – will be added to the grim tally of aborted babies whose potentially valuable lives can never benefit the Land of the Free.
If you’re a praying person – and even if you aren’t – pray for the country’s deliverance from these evils and for our full recovery. It’s a grim time, and we need all the help we can get.
“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” (Isaiah 5:20)
“These people are springs without water and mists driven by a storm. Blackest darkness is reserved for them.” (II Peter 2:17)