“It’s one thing to be stupid and another thing altogether to advertise it.”
Mostly preposterous people have been leading our nation in the last half-century plus. Many are barely literate in the worldly sense, babbling incoherently about an economy they have never worked in and critiquing a culture they’ve never contributed to.
They’re freeloaders on the larger body like ticks are on deer.
So many of our “ruling class,” as the late Professor Angelo Codeville brilliantly termed them (https://spectator.org/americas-ruling-class/) – of both major political parties and the professional, “expert” culture – are not just lost; they have inverted values. Their professional Hippocratic oath seems to be “do harm,” not “do no harm.”
Even when the ruling class is attempting to do good � a rarity, but it happens occasionally �they’re tied in knots by their lack of real-world, first-hand experience, knowledge, and common sense.
With rare exceptions, these elites have never been connected to the world they propose to run. They have mostly grown up in wealthy enclaves and summered in exclusive destinations. They go to the same schools and pal around and take care of each other. They attend the same parties. Their politics resembles blended yogurt. One spoonful after another is the same.
They have so little practical worldly understanding that they confuse their thoughts of how something ought to work with the natural or scientific laws that govern how something will work in reality. Or, worse, they’re blindingly corrupt.
This is how we end up with a ludicrous economic policy that attempts to defy the basic laws of economics. The ruling class confuses Wall Street machinations with the “working money” and commerce at the street level that makes the nation and the world work.
One of many excellent examples is playing out right now.
In the most advanced nation in human history, the ruling class has declared war on petroleum � the very resource that opened the door to that advancement – and without which it will crumble. The US arguably has the largest oil and natural gas deposits on the planet � enough to fuel its needs for hundreds of years in the future. Yet, the elites have decided that we shall be an all-renewable society. Now.
So far, that war has produced $5 per gallon gas that may go much higher. And, the war threatens summer blackouts across much of the nation as power plants juggle electrical generation and supply and demand legislated by elites with no idea how to produce it. Even more dangerous, the critical growing and distribution of essential foodstuffs are in real peril due to the self-induced market chaos.
But energy generation’s colossal practical and logistical difficulties are merely ignored. Any transition from petroleum to the so-called “renewables” is based on yet-to-be-perfected technology even while that which we are using, wind and solar, already have enormous mechanical and environmental drawbacks and limitations.
No matter. The ruling class has said, “make it so,” and to hell with the consequences. Stone-cold nuts.
A friend quips, “it’s one thing to be stupid and another thing altogether to advertise it.“
All of this rests on the dubious premise, of course, of “climate change.” Weather patterns change; therefore, the planet is on the eve of destruction. It’s global cooling or warming, depending on your druthers and age. The ice caps are receding like never before. Except they have. We’ll have more violent weather. Except we don’t. Manhattan will be under water by 2015. Except it wasn’t.
Some percentage of the ruling class actually believes the pretense that humans can micro-manage an environment twenty-five thousand miles in circumference and make the weather “perfect” and stable and never changing while ignoring the ever-changing historical climate record of the planet. No matter, they’re willing to have you make any sacrifice they deem necessary just as long as they can keep their lifestyle.
The other part of the ruling class knows that premise is demonstrably stupid, but they want to get their hands on the trillions of dollars in wealth that can be cajoled, legislated, granted, or stolen from the working folks of the world. Not to mention the absolute power over how people may or not live or behave.
No matter what their motivations are, these are extraordinarily dangerous people. And they are losing their patience with regular men and women who don’t want a diminished standard of living, rolling blackouts, or factory-made meat using soybeans. They’re mighty mad as well to quote the former ultra-radical president, Barack Obama, that average folks are still “clinging to their guns and religion.”
The ruling class radicals hate God even more than they hate us.
But, if the ruling class is losing patience with the plebs, it may just be that normal, everyday, working people may finally see just how radical, corrupt and dad gum mean their “betters” are. They really are horrible people as a lot. They don’t give one hoot for the country or your well being. They tell you with every infringement on your life, family, and future. They speak to you with actions they know will cripple the Republic. They just don’t care.
It’s past time, regrettably, that one election will stymie the processes and policies that they have already unleashed for decades. Look no further than their insistence that you abandon the idea that chromosomes matter in determining gender, or that the family unit is the building block of every society. Or that education should teach children how to think and decern emotions from fact – not how to be socialists. Or – on and on. The list is frighteningly long now.
But, November will tell a tale, no doubt. Have the radical left socialist Democrats finely squatted with their spurs on? Have they finally revealed too much of who and what they are? Will they get a historic wipe-out they so richly deserve? Stay tuned.