From our friends at
“Republican in-person early voters have increased by nearly 8 percentage points compared to the last two elections, based on data 16 days before the November election. Democratic early voters still hold a more than two-to-one advantage in mail-in ballots.
Share of Early In-Person Votes by Party
(16 Days Before Election Day)

Share of Mail Votes by Party
(16 Days Before Election Day)

Source: Virginia Department of Elections early voting file.
Notes: Data as of 16 days before the election each year. Virginia does not require voter registration by party. VPAP matched the voter IDs in the DOE file with data provided by L2 Political, which has an algorithm that estimates the likely party of voters, based on factors such as past participation in primary elections.”
I voted early. Have you? More information on where to vote early, and how to get a mail-in ballot here.
DD: I sense you blame Republican registrars for failing to bring an end to these crimes perpetrated by Democrats. Why don’t they act and bring an end to these felonies? Are they on the take? Name and shame, puhleeeese. It can no longer be tolerated! Bring an end to the madness!
It’s a lot like sex trafficking. It becomes an issue around election day but the rest of the time Republican do nothing at all about the problem, why can’t we stamp it out for once and for all, despite placing Republican Sherriffs in office in almost every county. We have a Republican governor and yet we are by all accounts awash in sex trafficking problems (just ask Pablo Segura!)
Mail-in ballots are where the fraud is at, and it is very difficult to root it out. Once a bad ballot is in the system, there is no way to get it out. Democrats changed Virginia law so that you can have a permanent absentee mail-in ballot. You just request it once, and then they mail you a ballot every year You don’t ever have to request it again. Then, when you die and the registrar doesn’t update the rolls in a heavily Democratic district, a ballot still gets mailed and their Democrat relative fills it in and mails it. Or the same thing happens at nursing homes where the Democrat caregivers harvest the ballots. It’s pernicious.