It was bound to happen. The COVID vaccine news was getting more and more negative and difficult to explain. COVID vaccinations were now associated with large numbers of injuries and deaths. So what to do? Blame Trump.
Recently, Rep. James Clyburn (Democrat)- South Carolina) noted that his Select Subcommittee found that:
“Trump White House officials deliberately and repeatedly sought to bend FDA’s scientific work on coronavirus treatments and vaccines to the White House’s political will are yet another example of how the prior Administration prioritized politics over public health,”
During the Trump administration, the Democrats attacked the COVID Vaccination program at every opportunity. After the election, however, the Biden administration switched to mandating the use of the vaccines. Government agencies, businesses, churches, schools, and the military were all involved. Get vaxxed or lose everything, including life itself, was imposed across the land from sea to shining sea. From blame Trump to praise Biden was the order of the day.
Clyburn went further:
“White House attempted to block the FDA from collecting additional safety data on the first coronavirus vaccine in an attempt to ensure that it could be authorized before the 2020 presidential election.”
Clearly, President Trump is to be blamed for misleading the public before a presidential election. The claim is that he deliberately and maliciously suppressed adverse vaccine safety data. (In retrospect, the Democrats should have continued their attacks on the “rushed” vaccines. Unfortunately, the intoxicating power of total population control via mandates was too much to resist. Now the quandary of the “vaccine???” mandate leaves only one out. That’s right, blame Trump for acting in haste.)
Essentially, the Clyburn statement is to get everyone to believe that the mandates don’t matter because they, like the rest of America, were misled. Warp Speed was really warped science. And speaking of warped science, we have Fauci resigning, Birx admitting that the vaccines don’t stop COVID, and Walensky doing a “mea culpa” regarding the CDC’s horrible mistakes and contradictions. Yep! Trump forced the scientists to cut corners so the COVID vaccine science wasn’t and isn’t really science.