“That type of thinking, among other things, sealed my cynicism and tampered down my interest in the Night. But it didn’t extinguish it. I didn’t know it couldn’t.“
On the canvas of that matchless Night, all of the history for the rest of the world’s time was drawn. However, as with so much of God’s story, we know what we need to know, not all we want to know.
I was raised in a home where faith was only discussed when it intersected with some specific literary or historical contribution, not for its eternal and transcendent offerings. We weren’t ever church-going, so what I knew of the most important transaction in human history – that Holy Night – I gleaned from the fields of public displays and odds and ends of storytelling from TV.
This meant, of course, I knew virtually nothing.
Somewhere around twelve years of age, my older brother introduced me to the Lawrence Ferlinghetti poem, Christ Climbed Down, which confounded the tension I had intuitively felt between the Christmas story as I understood it and the public celebration of Christmas.
“Christ climbed down
from His bare Tree
this year
and ran away to where
there were no gilded Christmas trees
and no tinsel Christmas trees..”
(In my defense, of course, I didn’t know Mr. Ferlinghetti was a generation’s uber-hip “beat” poet and on the forward edge of post-world war anti-establishment radicalism!)
After that, I cast a wary eye on the Christmas season, suspecting so much of what I knew so little about.
I was quite the Mark Twain admirer in my teen years and finally drilled down to some of his lesser-known, controversial writings and found this:
“In religion and politics people’s beliefs and convictions are in almost every case gotten at second-hand, and without examination, from authorities who have not themselves examined the questions at issue but have taken them at second-hand from other non-examiners, whose opinions about them were not worth a brass farthing. “
That type of thinking, among other things, sealed my cynicism and tampered down my interest in the Night. But it didn’t extinguish it. I didn’t know it couldn’t.
I took Mr. Twain’s admonition seriously and began to dissect subjects of interest to me. I dug deep wells into Western thought, literature, and history, always asking, can this be trusted? Is it a documented fact or a meandering supposition?
Doing so, I became a philosophical conservative at the time many of my friends wanted to burn the country down. And yet, somewhere on the edge of my mind was that Night.
Over the years that were to come, I had head-on collisions occasionally with the modernist impulse to demean so much of the Christian faith as fanciful embroidery applied to myths over the centuries.
Some critics would report that much of the early biblical “events” were appropriated from other “religions” that had come and gone; others would scoff, presenting their list of contradictions and inconsistencies proving that the Bible, they thought, was inaccurate. Still, others would burrow in on what they would claim was the oral history of Scriptures, rendering them unreliable.
And, of course, there were plenty of moral revisionists who would fume that the Old Testament, especially, was filled with violence and misogyny. God was a terrorist—a bloodthirsty tyrant who hated women.
I remained agnostic on such claims, amused though in one way that the critics and scholars would spend so much time trying to debunk what they claimed they didn’t believe. Yet I was always mindful that the Marxists and socialists, as a political matter, demanded the destruction of faith, all faith, that challenges their religion of a human-made utopia, and deeply suspicious of the late twentieth-century enthusiasm to self-aggrandize one’s self with the fashionable vestments of “spiritualism” without the rigors of intellectual assent – promoting in essence that we could be our own God’s—a chilling thought.
With a young family of my own, I came to value Christmas, nonetheless, as a time for family and to love in an extravagantly worldly fashion. Yet, somewhere in my mind, Mr. Ferlinghetti’s laments and sarcasm would often mock me. Scorning my sentimentality and compliant submission.
Then, in one hour on one day, everything I thought I knew was blown to smithereens. I heard God’s story. It was no more complicated nor dramatic than that. I hadn’t even prepared myself for the moment. It came unexpectedly and without warning like a furious Derecho. I believed, and that was that.
A generation earlier, C.S. Lewis had written that he was traveling alone when the thought came to him that “of course,” the story of God and his redemption was all true. After years of intellectual doubt, one of the great intellects of the twentieth century took only a single statement to step into the obvious.
I possessed none of Mr. Lewis’ qualifications, but my conversion was as simple.
Now, many years later, I’m still overwhelmed by the Holy Night. The Night that changed everything.
A Baby came into the history of humanity who did not carry the paternal curse of Adam in his DNA; a Man left our history mutilated and crushed, rejected by His own. Yet, the world changed forever.
Everything about the Night contradicts our limited human imagination and what we think we know. The Love that moved that Night is beyond our reckoning. The mercy and grace offered by God’s rescue plan are so daring that they lie beyond our ability to grasp and comprehend.
On this Holy Night, God called His people to quench their thirst at the waterhole called Hope – an everlasting Hope. A Hope that transcends and overcomes. A Hope that promises – and a Hope that is accomplished.
We know so little of the facts of that Holy Night, yet we know so much about its results.
Hatred of Jews is the eternal curse of those who refuse to accept that they are/were God’s chosen people. You apparently approved of the jihadis who beheaded babies in their cribs while others raped the women forcing their husbands to watch. You are a tool of Satan without realizing it. I will pray for you.
Nope, no, no, no, women, babies, and children did not go into Israel or execute anyone in Israel. You want to go down that road to nowhere for what reason? You find those who did the crime and punish them, not the innocent. Since when is it USA righteous to kill women, babies, and children, for the crimes of others? Also, why did Netanyahu pull the troops from the Gaza border and replace them with a fence with cameras? And, Netanyahu is responsible for the security of Israel. And he failed his own people. So, he slaughter’s innocent babies and children for his own evil and incompetence. Whatever happened in that incursion into Israel is none of our business, and, the only ones who will ever really know exactly what happened are Hamas and Israel. How do you think you know? The crooked media tell you? With over $26 billion in US deficit dollars at stake for Israel, along with their annual billions in U.S. aid, and the ultimate Grand prize of possibly getting the USA to overthrow Iran for them, is there any lie that Netanyahu will not tell. “They” have taken over your brain. You seem to claim to not even know right from wrong. I could put up Bible verses, but, what good what that do? You put your faith in man.
You failed, badly, to: 1 answer my assertion namely that you approve of beheading babies in their cribs etc. You divert by claiming that somehow we don’t really know what happened thus proving that you are a quintessential anti-Semite. You are not worthy of my respect, time or attention.
Nope, “paternal curse of Adam” you wrote. But it was not Adam. That is just not correct according to the New Testament, sir.
1 Timothy 2:14,
“And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression.”
This past year the United States has entered into a new low in its history. One which I refuse to accept or be part of. Facilitating the mass slaughter of women, babies, and children cannot be allowed to become righteous. The USA provided the deficit dollar funded planes, bombs, missiles, intelligence, money, in order to facilitate the killing of tens of thousands of women, babies, and children, (genocide) by an out of control, corruption based, banana sized economy, cursed nation. The same cursed banana economy based nation that chose to have Jesus Christ crucified on a cross instead of a common thief. Some things haven’t changed in over 2000 years.
Since 1961, I have probably sworn allegiance to the flag of the United States of America possibly a thousand times because we started each school day with it back then. However, I have no intention of swearing allegiance to any country that is party to the acts I mentioned above. You people lead the anti-abortion fanatic movement, but yet, you sanctify by your silence dropping 2000 lb. bombs on a woman along with her children, mostly living in a tent. Bombs you provided, from planes you provided. And, your government has forced the blocking of media coverage of the truth to deceive you. Every politician who voted for this genocide, along with Biden, should be put on trial.
One man assassinates some rich executive in NY and the media coverage lasts for years. And yet, atrocities where thousands of innocents living in absolute poverty are slaughtered by your bombs are easily ignored and forgotten by the corrupt, government controlled, U.S. media. And let me make this clear, if they were not cowards they would go after the terrorists. But, it’s much easier to drop deficit dollar funded U.S. bombs on babies than it is to be a man. God will deal with them.