In a radio interview today former Delegate Joe Morrissey admitted what everyone assumed, he is the father of his former teenage employee’s baby. The 19 year old, Myrna Pride, gave birth to a boy named Chase in March. [read_more] Morrissey served jail time after being convicted of contributing to the delinquency of a minor because of his relationship with the child’s mother when she was only 17 and he was 57. Now he says,
“I am as engaged in Chase’s life as a man could be. I’m super proud of Myrna and I love Chase,” said Morrissey. “Chase is my blood. We had our baby, we love our baby.”
He is engaged as he can be, short of a real commitment. He wouldn’t do something radical like marry the mother of his child. He has three other ‘baby mamas’ and he didn’t marry any of them either. A real fine example of fatherhood for the youth of Richmond and elsewhere.
“I was down when Myrna gave birth to Chase. I am as engaged in Chase’s life as a man could be. There’s no walking away from anything. I’m super proud of Myrna and I love Chase,” Morrissey proclaimed. I’ve been… changing poopy diapers, giving him milk. I’m making it sound like it’s a chore [but] I love it. Chase is my blood.”
AAAWWW…….what a great father he is. He takes advantage of a teenager, impregnates her, but he’s changing diapers so we’re supposed be impressed with his deep love for Myrna and the baby? That poor little boy.
How did anyone ever elect this jerk to represent them in the House of Delegates? And they did it repeatedly, knowing he had 3 other children by three different women, none of whom he married. And knowing he had been convicted of a brutal assault and lost is license to practice law.
Conclusion, Democrats, and their voters, do the strangest things.
If you want to read more about this lowlife click here and here.
More on the whole sordid affair (pun intended), with Five Fun Facts, here.