The Senate race in Virginia will be the upset race of 2014. There. I’ve said it. Some of you may recall I have a pretty good track record for predicting election outcomes in Virginia. [read_more]The latest New York Times/CBS News poll has the Senate race in Virginia down to single digits, 46% for Warner to Gillespie’s 37%, BUT democrats were over sampled in this poll by 10%, 49-39. Sarvis gets a mere 1% of the vote. In addition to the major problem of over sampling democrats, 11% of respondents were still undecided and independents were breaking for Gillespie. We know that undecideds rarely break for the guy they’ve known for decades. If Mark Warner hasn’t won them over by now, it’s not going to happen. Full details of the poll here.
More good news for Ed Gillespie, he has been endorsed by Richmond Times-Dispatch.
This man has reason to smile!