Senate Democrat Scott Surovell (D-Fairfax) will lead the majority caucus in the Virginia Senate and Ryan T. McDougle (R-Hanover) will be the new minority leader.
The Virginia NAACP and the Virginia Legislative Black Caucus endorsed Sen. Mamie E. Locke (D-Hampton) who is Black.
From the
“The Black Caucus urged senators to “make history by electing the first Black majority leader in the Virginia Senate,” noting that Black women have been critical to electing Democrats.
“The Democratic majorities were won on reproductive freedom with women, Black voters, and workers playing a critical role in ensuring those elected got across the finish line,” the Black Caucus wrote in a public statement ahead of the vote. “Black women are the backbone of our democracy and representation matters.”
The Democratic caucus ultimately voted for Scott Surovell for leader and Mamie Locke for caucus Chairwoman. Sen. Adam P. Ebbin (D-Alexandria) was elected Vice Chairman.
Virginia Senate Republicans chose Ryan T. Dougle to serve as their minority leader. He represents Gloucester, Matthews and part of James City County. He replaces Tommy Norment who retired this year. More here.
1 comment
My opinion. They both will do exactly as did Saslaw and Norment. And that is? They will do exactly what Dominion tells them to do. Both are lawyers and lifetime politicians. Neither would have ever allowed to rise to this position were they not willing to play ball with Dominion. Dominion runs Virginia government. End of the story.