Governor Youngkin has moved to protect the privacy of students in Virginia schools and the mainstream media strongly objects. Under the Governor’s new policies children in school would have to use the bathroom that coincides with their biological sex. Also, biological boys would have to play on boys’ sports teams, and only biological girls could participate in girls’ sports. Boys would not be allowed to enter girls’ locker rooms or bathrooms. It all seems so logical but the left insists on protecting the rights of a handful of students who want to pretend they are the opposite of their biological sex is more important than protecting the privacy of your children. The Governor’s “2022 Model Policies on the Privacy, Dignity, and Respect for all Students and Parents in Virginia’s Public Schools” can be found here.
The media vehemently objected with headlines such as these:
Youngkin’s New School Guidelines Restrict Transgender Student Rights What about the rights to privacy for the vast majority of students who want their rights protected?
From the Washington Post: Youngkin’s restriction on trans students’ rights is probably illegal, experts say. And more ‘experts’ will say they are not.
Virginia policy latest attempt to restrict rights of transgender students
Sen. Tim Kaine spoke out at UVA on Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s new policy
Some Va. districts seem ready to fight Youngkin plan for trans students
School districts defiant after Youngkin proposes transgender student policy
Youngkin Proposes Suite Of Policies Restricting The Rights Of Trans Students In Virginia
And finally good headline from the NY Post:
Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin delivers utter sanity in new school rules on trans kids
Yes, Youngkin’s new policies are sane. Our childrens’ rights to privacy should be protected in public schools.