As I sit and watch the carnage play out in Ukraine especially now that it appears civilians are clearly being targeted, I cannot help but think that we as Americans have abdicated our moral responsibility on the world stage. We tend to talk a good game but when it comes to taking bold action or risk, we look the other way and don’t want to get our hands dirty.
Yes, Ukraine is not a member of NATO, and we are not contractually bound to protect her by Article Five, but on a personal level if your neighbor’s house was on fire would you risk your safety to save its occupants. I would and hope you would do the same.
Yes, we may risk starting “World War III” by providing a no-fly zone over Ukraine but as the leader of the free world, we are obligated morally to stand up to tyranny and oppression and take the risk. Great leaders and countries assume risk and are decisive — we lately have been neither. Can you imagine Winston Churchill sitting back and letting this unfold? Though I am not a fan of Senator Mitt Romney at least he and the cojones to say, “If they want MIGs send them MIGs.
Putin has already declared that any action to support Ukraine is an act of wa so what do we have to lose? Let’s stop playing his game and stand up to the bully and call his bluff.
When this is over how as a nation can, we ever talk the talk of being the protector of the free world if our current actions demonstrate timidity and intransigence. I continue to hang my head in shame. President Biden’s policy of appeasement led to this conflict and our weakness and the Administration’s continued hand wringing have only exacerbated it.
Now is the time for America’s bold and decisive leadership on the world stage not appeasement and timidity. No one said leadership is easy. There is no security or safety in the appeasement of evil” Ronald Reagan’s words we should live by.