“In God We Trust” it’s our nation’s motto but what does it mean or should it mean to our nation’s Government? Adopted by the United States Congress in 1956 replacing our previous unofficial motto “E pluribus unum” (Out of many, one) and reaffirmed in 2011 by the United States Government by their vote, support and even going as far as to add the motto to our currency declared not just the existence of God, they also put their trust in Him acknowledging His ways are right and allowing Him to guide them in their decision making or did they really trust Him back then and the even bigger question is do they trust Him today? By their lack of common sense, disregard of the Constitution, lack of morals and selfish desires I would say no and by their immoral standards I would also say that they don’t even care nor do they have any fear of reverence let alone putting their faith and trust in Him.
To have trust in God is more than just belief in His very existence for if one takes the time to read the most important tool He could ever give us which is the Bible they will know that even Satan and his fallen angels the demons believe in God’s existence and they also know the scriptures better than most born again Christians however like most of our elected officials today as it very well seems to blaspheme God and do all they can in their limited power which is given to them from the very God they curse to silence Him by deceiving others with false narratives leading them far from the truth. You see to trust in God means one acknowledges that His ways are better than our own, to obey and do that which is righteous in His eyes and to oppose that which He declares as immoral and pure evil. If the Government still puts its trust in God then why do they not submit themselves in obedience to His will, with respect for His laws, His Word and fear His Holy name with reverence? Are they blind to the truth? Have they hardened their hearts toward Him? Or as I’ve stated earlier do they just not even care?
Our founding fathers whether or not they experienced the life saving free gift of God’s salvation through His son Jesus Christ, indeed founded this nation upon God and the Bible which is why our Constitution and values we hold dear to our hearts stand in line as to what God commands us to obey as right and to oppose that which is wrong, have you ever wonder why the Ten Commandments would at times be displayed at court houses throughout the nation? Maybe it was because of God’s influence on the way our nation modeled law and order, do you think?
Yes, this nation was founded upon Judeo Christian values and it’s high time we start to make that known again as without that, faith and trust in God there will not and cannot be any unity in a nation that is now heavily divided, for example in 2020 former Ohio Governor John Kasich after he sold out his morals by endorsing then Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden said “Pro-lifers should set aside their pro-life beliefs for the sake of unity” and how wrong Mr. Kasich indeed was as you can see the fact that even today over two years in the Biden Presidency our nation is anything but united and what Mr. Kasich also got wrong was to even suggest putting a stand for unborn lives which begin at conception on the back burner. By his statement he seemed like he could care less about the millions upon millions of precious lives lost to abortion since the decision of Roe V Wade in 1973 which in reality is cold blooded murder and a contradiction to God’s law and our nations law as well (and thank God that as of June 2022 this ungodly ruling has been overturned) or he just doesn’t think things through, maybe a little bit of both?
But could it also have been because of his major opposition to former President Donald Trump? To do and say all he could to assure that Donald Trump would no longer be President as it was no secret that Mr. Kasich strongly criticized and opposed the former President. My response to Mr. Kasich is this, if you truly want unity then start by putting your faith and trust in God and then He will guide you to where He wants you to go or do next. This is just one of many examples of what a lack of faith and trust in God looks like in our elected officials in Government and Mr. Kasich is no exception.
When we go to the polls to vote, we vote for the candidates to represent us in Government and trust them to carry out the will of we the people, when we do so are we trusting that they will also put their trust in God by allowing Him to guide them as they govern our great nation under Him? We should and I challenge every God fearing man and woman when they go to the polls to vote, continue to judge the candidates by their character but also judge if they will live by the motto “In God We Trust” which is more than just words but an act of obedience to God the Creator and the Father of our Founding Fathers who nice again founded this great nation under Him and His Word which is the very foundation of the United States of America.
It’s time we call for our representatives to walk the walk and live by those very words for without faith and trust in God there is no unity! Me on the other hand I will serve the Lord and vote in the way He sees fit for it’s in Him I trust, do you?