“They want to crush your faith. They loathe it and the moral authority it commands.”
If you were expecting the dust to settle after the 2020 elections, you’ll have a long wait. The hundred-year war to capsize the Constitutional Republic founded on God-given rights has taken a hard left, godless turn.
The question remains whether or not it’s a fatal turn. The final push.
In my judgment, it appears that the American experiment in self-government is on the verge of collapse. That demise has been designed by a billionaire oligarch class and a ruling political class (the “experts,” as commentator David Brooks arrogantly calls them, evidently without recognizing the irony). They were and are determined to end the Trump era by any means necessary and remake America.
Regardless, make no mistake. The objective in 2020 was not to defeat or hijack the election of Donald J. Trump specifically. It was about crushing you, the half of America that still cling to their “religion and guns,” as former President Obama lectured. The radicals want you to shut up, sit down, and do what you are told (hence the shutdowns?). More than anything, though, they want to crush your faith. They loath it and the moral authority it commands.
In my December 15th article (here), I outlined the grave and immediate threat of the Big Tech oligarchs and the corporate elites’ outrageous actions to silence a sitting president and his supporters. This cabal suppressed any discussion regarding obvious voting “anomalies.” (The more data that appeared – and continues to surface – that warranted at least a close examination, the more vociferously the whole assemblage of the radical left pronounced Mr. Biden the President-elect and that the election was “the cleanest ever.” It’s the ‘follow the sparkly object’ scam.)
Most importantly, big media and big tech censored discussions altogether of the inarguable Constitutional violations that occurred when courts in four separate battleground states changed existing state election law concerning mail-in ballots on the fly without legislative authority. This directly conflicts with Article Two of the Constitution. The Supreme Court, demonstrating that they are simply the latest institution to abandon the law they have sworn to protect, refused the case.
In corresponding reaction to the nation’s rapid retreat from the Constitutional Order, it is advancing towards a nascent brew of fascistic corporatism married to Marxist social dictum’s. It’s a marriage made in Hell. Ironically, yet always true with radical leftists, everything they claimed Donald J. Trump was even though he wasn’t, they were and are.
Here is where we are in the new America.
Basically twelve Big Tech Oligarchs with government-provided immunity from lawsuits based for third party content, now control the flow of information – what can and cannot be said – across the nation, and much of the world. Twelve people who just made it plain that they intend to use that power. They run monopolies that are now the de facto censors for anything put on the internet, and are acting in concert, as they did with de-platforming Parlor, clearly in violation of existing anti-trust laws. (And Facebook appears to be violating campaign finance laws also, with in-kind contributions of nearly $500 million to help elect Mr. Biden).
The billionaire business oligarchs only number 614 in a nation of 330 million people, but they are now, co-joined with the Big Tech crowd, more powerful than even the government. No? With few exceptions they have joined forces to war on human freedom announcing in various forums their intention of enforcing a social code; you may or may not say this, believe this, buy this, fly on that, eat here, or enjoy the fruits of liberty unless the oligarch class approves. Their companies are a “who’s who” list of prominent U.S. international corporations and financial institutions on the social justice, virtue signaling rampage in the past week. Whom they hire, keep employed, fund, support, and advertise with is now based not on merit or competence, but on personal views that agree with the “collective.” Forbes has famously demanded that no one ever working with the Trump Administration be hired.
The Bill of Rights is now a formality to be invoked in a speech and ignored in reality. Big Tech and the billionaire class will decide what is permissible. The government is left with the menial work of cashing the checks from the oligarchs and creating laws that make sure the ruling class is protected and can, well, rule.
You can speak and have a religious faith, as long as it is never expressed publicly. You can have a weapon if you are willing to do without any credit, or a bank account. You can assemble to express a grievance, as long as you don’t have to get on an airplane, because you’ll be on a “no fly” list. And Big Tech, along with the massive national security apparatus sitting in Utah, will be keeping tabs on who is doing what, so that “unapproved” dissent can be nipped in the bud. Maybe your kids can’t go to school. Or go to a doctor until you confess and admit your guilt. The guilt of wanting to be free. There is no end to it once this begins.
That’s the new Bill of Rights, run by genuine billionaire fascists and the ruling class, not the nonsensical character attacks painted by the media of Donald J. Trump – who has never taken any rights from any American.
The consequences of this new power that has been wrested from the American citizen has already had huge ramifications, even before the President was removed from social media sources and tens of thousands of conservatives were removed from Facebook and Twitter this week.
As I reported on December 15, during the 2020 campaign, there was active collusion between the monopolistic social media giants, the nation’s major newspapers, including The Washington Post and The New York Times, and the major TV media, to completely blackout the Joe Biden/China scandal broken by The New York Post in October.
Post-election polls have shown that up to 20% percent of Biden voters would have not voted for him had they known the details of the Biden multi-million dollar scandal. The power of not covering a news story is real power.
How has this day come to America? You and I already know.
The human heart’s darkest forces are always found in the folds of life where moral certainty is absent. Avarice, gluttony, cruelty, narcissism, hubris, the zeal to control others, slavery, and even murder, are not restrained by law, but by virtue. Moral virtue.
If there is no moral reality – absolute morality that checks the human capacity to do evil and harm – then there can be no peace and no justice and no mercy. There can only be retribution and dishonesty and inhumanity.
That is why socialism always turns to progressive repression and eventually massive poverty. It’s why Russian, China, Pol Pot and Castro, among others, started as hardcore communists only to become mass murderers. They all believed they could short-circuit absolute morality by force. In the end they could only kill.
America has come to this point because the American church long ago abandoned its responsibility to inform the culture. It dismissed the Gospel for the culture and its trappings. When the church stopped caring, so did many of its congregants. The hard words of the Master were ignored as subjective suggestions, instead of the words that define life. Absolute morality was rejected for absolute acceptance and the modern church received neither.
I am persuaded that the road back for our country begins with our working class – or country class – citizens fixing themselves and their churches first. Reminding themselves of God’s gift of human freedom. Then, America will have a foundation on which to rebuild a Republic, again.