The Governors Race
Two years ago, I was visiting my friend Mike, to load bullets and compare homemade Vape Juices. Ed Gillespie called to discuss the 2017 Gubernatorial season. I felt important…until I realized he called everyone else that mattered in Virginia too. In fact, Ed Gillespie had the TEA Party, blogosphere, and establishment sown up before 2016 started ticking. Ed Gillespie seems to have a photographic memory and a warm heart that makes him both unique and appreciated in the Commonwealth. At the 2016 State Convention, he walked by me, mentioned my latest article, and walked on stage. It felt good.
Ed Gillespie doesn’t read Steven Brodie Tucker, but his people do/did. He was briefed on me and he remembered his brief. Good for him. He made me feel special.
I was waiting for Congressman Rob Wittman to run for Governor, so no matter how awesome it was to have Gillespie acknowledge my existence, I was holding out for something better. I was certain that Rob Wittman was going to run for Governor. In 2016, I had this bizarre opportunity to sit a lunch table in Port Royal, VA with Rob Wittman and some farmers, where they talked about soil samples, chemistry, and stock prices, and in ways that I felt made me smarter until I realized that this was just a couple of guys having a conversation that I didn’t understand. Long before the summer was extinguished in 2016, I was ready to promote Wittman 2017 for Governor.
Congressmen Wittman decided not to run. That was discouraging. Then, Congressman Dave Brat and Congressman Tom Garrett’s campaign manager called and introduced me to Denver Riggleman. This guy was the real deal. It was Dave Brat all over again! I listened to Denver’s story and to the campaign strategy and I knew that we had a winning idea here.
What we missed was the fact that, of course, I wasn’t the only one called in 2015. Ed Gillespie had secured the TEA Party, the conservative libertarians, the constitutionalists, and the rest of us. I talked to elected officials and activists that told me, “Steven, if we knew Denver was going to run, we’d have been behind him!” They didn’t. Ed reached out and Ed secured endorsements.
Denver entered too late and didn’t make it.
The Attorney General Race:
John Adams is the most amazing, liberty-orientated candidate I’ve had the honor to know. I’m looking to graduate with a Public Policy – Administration degree from Liberty University by the end of the summer – and I’m not sure that any Republican can win in November. If anyone can win, it’s John Adams. Tell your friends. If you care about freedom and the constitution, vote for John Adams. Don’t like his law firm? OK. You need to sit down with this patriot and have a conversation, and appreciate the fact that you’ve got friends in legal places.
The LG Race
In June of 2016, a collection of genius doctors saved my life at VCU. Only Jill Vogel seemed to care that a Republican was battling cancer. She kept in touch with me until I recovered. God love her. I had a wonderful conversation with Senator Vogel last summer. I told her that we just went through a God Awful primary in 2016 and that we needed space in 2017. I warned her against using anyone associated with the campaigns. We need a campaign of ideas, I said. Within months, her people, led by Ron Hedlund and Waverly Woods led a social media campaign aimed at insinuating that Bryce Reeves was having an affair with one of his young interns.
I reached out to Jill and told her we needed a clean campaign. Her supporters decided otherwise.
The last year has been one of rumors emanating from Vogel’s people, and Bryce’s people talking about the idea that only females (#BEEFCAKE) support his campaign.
If you are reading this, then you already know the story.
I Endorse Glenn Davis for LG – Why? Because he’s the only one who hasn’t run a campaign on the basis of genitalia, the only one that seems to care about ideas. I’ve watched Bryce Reeves and Jill Vogel fight in a debate – they tried and it was cute. Glenn Davis fights in a way that Republicans and Democrats will understand.
Maybe Bryce Reeves is sexy and maybe he appeals to women… Maybe Jill Vogel is brilliant and maybe she appeals to the snobs at The Bull Elephant and Bearing Drift.
Glenn Davis is the candidate who can actually take on Democrats! Jill Vogel is one of the most caring people I’ve met. Bryce Reeves can take on ISIS without backup and seems to understand the martial arts. Glenn Davis can compete against our Democratic competition.
Gillespie, Adams, and Davis:
I don’t know who is going to win in November, but I think that Ed Gillespie, John Adams, and Glenn Davis have a real shot at this. Who knows who wins and who loses? The fact is, none of us know how this all ends up.
Let’s see how it goes.