On Monday Governor Northam announced Executive Order 55, which is a temporary stay-at-home order in effect until June 10th. This is a problem for Republican Congressional districts who have conventions and/or mass meetings scheduled in April and May.
The state convention is likely to be rescheduled for June 26th and 27th. But what will Congressional districts do where conventions and mass meetings are planned between now and June 10th? That’s not yet clear. These processes may not be changed but it will be very difficult for conventions and mass meetings to take place under the Governor’s stay-at-home order. There may be “unassembled mass meetings” where people show up, vote, and leave. We may have “drive-through” conventions for delegates to cast their votes from their cars. Since the Governor’s stay-at-home order was just released, our Congressional districts have not yet had time to find alternative solutions for their conventions.
Regular unit meetings will be canceled until the Governor’s order expires.
We will have a state primary to choose our candidate for Senate on June 9th. The State Board of Elections has not announced how that will be handled under the Governor’s order. We may all need to vote by absentee ballot.
Nomination deadlines are:
June 9: Nomination deadline for US Congress candidates
July 10: Deadline to elect RNC Convention delegates
August 21: Presidential electors, who must be chosen 74 days before the November 3 election
We’ll keep you updated.