TBE provided live commentary from today’s debate between Del. Barbara Comstock and John Foust. A few things became clear: Foust simply cannot debate, has no ideas and nothing to run on except tired talking points. By contrast, Comstock is a real leader with a positive vision and a record to back it up.[read_more]
11:00 AM Coverage begins shortly after the doors open at Landsdowne’s National Conference Center. In the meantime, the Loudoun Times has some good background on the match-up, where they rightly regard Comstock as the frontrunner.
11:40 AM The large room is packed. Barbara just came in.
11:50 Candidates will spend about an hour debating. Chamber people speaking, introducing elected officials. Several delegates here and many Loudoun Supervisors.
12:00 Lunch. 255 people in attendance.
12;44 Comstock opening statement. People in the 10th moving forward. Worked with many in the room, getting people back to work. Repeal Obamacare, Stop military cuts. Foust has raised taxes year after year, many, many taxes. Comstock mentions all the different taxes. Research and development tax credits. US Chamber has endorsed Barbara, as has the police. Wants off shore drilling. Energy is not only about jobs but important for our protection. Focused on education. Supports balanced budget amendment. Excellent introduction.
12:49 Foust is on BOS and practiced law. Why is he running? He was born in Johnson PA. Foust worked in the steel mills and had to work his way through school. That American dream is not happening today and he wants to change that. Education is too expensive. Congress is far too partisan. On Fairfax Board they do things right. He carried every precinct in his district. He can get things done. Been on 7 budgets, cut tens of millions, cut waste. BOS makes Fairfax better for business with good schools and the Silver Line. Wants to work ‘across the aisle’ like he does in Fairfax. Wants to increase early childhood education. Wants more educated foreigners coming into the country.
12:55 Which is better to make up for all the senior Congressman we have just lost? Barbara worked on the Hill, worked with federal employees and tech industry. She is an experienced voice in the district and knows how to find the experts in health, business, tech. She will hit the ground running on day one. She has put together coalitions in Richmond.
Foust says nothing happening in Washington because of partisanship. He can get more done because he can work with Kaine and Warner. Comstock ‘extremely partisan’, chief investigator of the Clintons. Mentions Koch brothers. Comstock says Foust has not mentioned anything he has done only criticized her. She helped federal employees.
1:01 Foust on Obamacare, supporter but wants to bring down costs. Supports Mark Warner’s plan. Won’t allow health care to be returned to insurance companies so they can’t raise prices or cancel insurance.
Comstock says Obamacare has been a failure, premiums up, businesses paying more, higher deductible. She wants the people to have control, more choices.
1:04 Question to Comstock, how to cut spending. Comstock, growth and jobs will be the top priority to bring in money. Growth economy. Increase child deductible to $2,000
Foust talks about how tough it was 7 years ago. He had to balance the budget in Fairfax. He knows how to balance budgets. We can’t cut anything.
1:18 Comstock asked why she voted against tax bill. She thought it was too much on NOVA, short changing Nova. She did support the Silver Line which Foust opposed because it was above ground.
1:30 Immigration reform, Barbara, secure the borders, enforce our laws. Changes should be made by legislation not Excutive Fiat! Foust likes Senate bill but House won’t support it. Illegals could be helping our economy. We need comprehensive immigration reform.
Closings, Comstock Wants to reward the American dream of education and working hard. We do not need higher taxes! Return health care to the people! Don’t need the feds telling businesses how to run their health care plans. Innovation and technology, getting people back to work through the American Dream for our children.
Foust fundamentally we need a community that will attract new business by great transportation system and schools and without doctors who tell women what to do. ???? His priority is to get passed the partisanship. Job creators like education. Wants more early childhood education and college more affordable. Comprehensive immigration reform. More investments in education and infrastructure. Right to choose. He supported McDonnell’s transportation tax health. Supports choice, repeats support several times.
(Foust is a very traditional democrat, supports all of Obama’s policies. )