From today’s
An email sent by Loudoun County Public Schools Director of Safety and Security John Clark to the district’s principals and viewed by the Washington Examiner shows Clark outlined a series of steps they should take to enforce the district’s mask mandate, including how to obtain a warrant from a magistrate and limiting parental access to school buildings.
Clark told Loudoun’s principals that the Loudoun Police Department and the Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office had informed the district that they would not “enforce a suspension letter/no trespass without a trespass summons/warrant being issued from a magistrate.”
Loudoun Sheriff Mike Chapman is our last line of defense to protect parents and students.
Clark went on to say:
“Parents should only be admitted at your discretion,” Clark said, and he recommended schools establish “outdoor parent gathering areas,” bring students to parents picking them up, and restrict used entrances to “help staff control potential incoming adults.”
“While parents have certain educational rights they do NOT have the right to enter your school without proper vetting and permission,” Clark wrote.
So a parent cannot go into a school and remove their 7-year-old child? Parents will be put into some kind of outside holding area? Where else can your child be and you are not allowed entry? This is outrageous, but typical of LCPS.
Who do they think pays to build these schools and pays their salaries? The schools belong to the parents and taxpayers of Loudoun County but they are not allowed entry without vetting and the principal’s permission.
Read the entire article here.