“The prospect of two separate Americas living side by side yet different is where we find ourselves. One side wants more pain. One more freedom. Go figure.”
As I write, the fate of whether or not the Senate will be in Republican hands rests on very narrow margins in several states, as do several governorship’s and a handful of undeclared congressional seats. This is to the nation’s shame – evidently, efficient problem-free elections are a thing of the past, and we now have basically third-world election standards – on purpose.
However, we already know that whoever ends up with control of those states and the Senate – the house appears narrowly in Republican hands – the country enters the new year as it did two years ago – a divided country. The reality is that this election, like the last, is about how two different nations can co-exist and live side-by-side. Or is that even possible?
The nation’s so-called President is a befuddled lightweight senator from yesteryear who now suffers from obvious and lamentable dementia, leaving all to wonder who is calling the shots at the White House. Probably it is former President Obama, from whom Mr. Biden learned presidential trade-craft. Regardless, Mr. Biden has spent the summer and fall calling anyone who disagreed with him a “near-fascist” or “Nazi.” “Ultra-Maga” people who would “end democracy” and install an “authoritarian government.” And, don’t forget they would end Social Security and Medicare.
(Of course, this is the type of transference used in the Marxist dictum – always claim that your opponents are doing what you’re doing. Those who have worked with drug addicts will instantly recognize this pattern.)
Then, with the mass media’s slavish support, Mr. Biden claims – when he can accurately read the teleprompter – that he wants to be the “healing” agent, a “President for all Americans.” You can’t make it up.
But, as former President Trump before Mr. Biden already discovered, there is no such thing as unity in a divided land.
The division of America into two countries has been an ongoing process, like a cell dividing itself into two new cells. As in nature, the division originates for different purposes and reasons, some clear and others not so obvious.
One clear reason we have a divided nation is that a foreign virus, not unlike the coronavirus, has been attacking the American body for one hundred years through the coordinated “Gramsci’s long march.” It is a Marxist strategy for taking down the Judeo-Christian formation and its precepts through the internal corruption of religious, media, political, and educational institutions. It has been stunningly successful. So successful, one must conclude that it’s an unbreachable institutional wall at this point.
This group of Americans openly espouse – and are very clear about – the revolution for worldwide socialism and totalitarianism. Their virulent contagion has been enormously successful, taking a massive toll on the nation’s health by wrecking civic virtue and the rule of law.
Another reason is less understandable. I’ve written before about arriving in Washington with the Reagan “revolution” and discovering that many of the elected legislators of both parties, their staffs, officials in the permanent government, and even a fair number of the appointees in the new administration itself, had no intention of advancing the actual policies that got Ronald Reagan elected. In fact, they threw monkey wrenches into the machinery of state in every way possible. Donald J. Trump learned this in spades.
Initially, I scratched my head about the motivation for this. Eventually, I concluded that many of the people who populate the high reaches of government, politics, corporate America, corporate media and entertainment, academia, and even many religious institutions are not on America’s side. They reject, and here I generalize, of course, American exceptionalism and yet maintain a perverted form of pious zeal by which they atone for their rejection of America by diminishing America. Having abandoned the Judeo-Christian God-centered ethos and faith, they still must find ways to fill the void in their hearts.
This explains the deification and fanaticism attached to concepts such as “climate change” and racial and sexual identity, turning them from policy and social conceptions into belief systems from which there must be no public dissent.
Still, others don’t believe in constitutional self-government other than as a sound bite. They believe the “great unwashed” are too stupid for such a task. These are folks who skipped across the pond of life like a rock. Their connection with America is primarily a mailing address, not a way of life.
The prospect of two separate Americas living side by side yet different is where we find ourselves. The cellular division method drove the election of Ronald Reagan and a generation later, Donald J. Trump. In effect, they were revolts against the elites and the ruling class, and nothing has changed.
We are assaulted by calls for unity (in fairness, from wishy-washy Republicans as well), yet the truth is that unity implies commonality. But what commonality remains in 50-50 America?
In prior generations, unity centered on the Founding and its promise of personal freedom and liberty. That standard for commonality has evaporated. Today’s concept of unity suggests that it comes by “coming together” and ending the “divisive rhetoric” through a process that diminishes the Bill of Rights to a list of suggestions. That has been demonstrated by how the monopolistic big tech platforms administer “free thought and free speech.”
(As I write, Mr. Biden has said that the new Republican Congress should end any thought of investigations of both his and his family’s businesses massive graft and corruption – already a matter of fact based on their own emails, texts, and recorded phone conversations. He made no such mention of the still unfounded and ongoing investigations of the former President.)
In January, we will have at least a Republican House and one way or the other, a very close Senate. But that doesn’t solve the profound issues raised in 50-50 America: Can the Constitutional government survive, and with it with the essential articles of personal freedom of speech, religion, association, and the rule of justice? Can the Constitution be set aside by a vote, and can those same personal freedoms be set aside by the courts or the big tech oligarchs? Must America bow to the world order and submit to an international elite?
Two closing thoughts. The Red States must follow the Florida example, including Texas, and work to make themselves the beacons of liberty and prosperity. Republican leaders in Red States need to put wishy-washy nonsense aside and be bold. Start retrenching government reach and expanding opportunity. Fight the Federal government using the power of the Constitution at every turn. Red States will prosper and grow and be rewarded for pursuing freedom. The Blue States will go on their way, as they made clear in this election, and spiral into defaults and further corruption.
On the national level, we need bold new leadership. The current leadership is simply not up to the task.
A Republican Congress should be passing legislation every single week dismantling the Federal budget and reforming broken agencies. Let the Senate or the President stop them if they will, but go to the American people and show them that we’re on their side for a change. So, propose to break ICE and the Border Patrol from the Department of Homeland Security and make them independent agencies. Defund the functions of the intelligence community in the never-ending Patriot Act surveillance programs on every American. Defund and transfer the useful pieces of the FBI to other already existing Federal agencies, and start the process of stripping funding to the Department of Justice that is used for activities not directly authorized for its mission by Congress. Drop all federal funding used in any manner for social indoctrination and the ongoing “woke” agenda throughout the government and the Department of Defense and strip the budget for any “grooming” activities using federal funds.
This list is long.