“The Lord works in mysterious ways,” my grandma used to say. I often repeat it, and I thought of it again, last week, when the latest Trump-trial news-blizzard hit our media outlets. Was it the Lord’s purpose to wake up a sleeping country at the last minute, before our crazed “leaders” run the nation’s ship directly into an iceberg? Or was He just wafting an extra dose of sleeping gas over us, so we could doze peacefully on until our destruction is complete? (I’m hoping it’s the former, but it’s too soon to tell.)
The uncertainty about our current situation evokes the anecdote about Jim, who happened to meet his guardian angel one day. The angel was very personable (if that’s the right adjective), so after amusing reminiscences about some close scrapes the angel had helped Jim through, Jim asked if he was going to heaven. The angel said he’d get back to him on that. A few days later, the angel returned to say that he had good news and bad news about heaven. The good news was that Jim would definitely be going to heaven; the bad news was that it would be next Monday.
Just so, the question of whether the country has finally awakened, or is headed for the final Big Sleep, has yet to be answered. The next few months might reveal the Lord’s purposes, as well as more plans that Good Old Normality Joe has for our system of “justice” than we might want to know.
In case you were on another planet during the past week, I’ll simply say that we were treated to truly uplifting testimony in the bogus “election interference” trial of Mr. Trump:
Ø From porn-star (and hooker) Stormy Daniels – who related salacious details of a tryst with Mr. Trump, plus a discussion of the supposed “hush money” that he (or somebody) had paid her to keep all that under her bonnet. Judge Juan Merchan treated Her Storminess as an entirely credible (and respectable) witness – allowing her to go on (and on) about the former president’s lecherous conduct.
Ø And then from former Trump attorney Michael Cohen, who has been disbarred for divulging Mr. Trump’s private business – an unforgivable violation of “attorney-client privilege.” The prosecution’s star witness delivered confused testimony obviously intended to smear Mr. Trump. Reporters hung on every word, as though the known perjurer and admitted thief was a Democratic Party “pope,” speaking ex cathedra.
Numerous high-level attorneys have expressed amazement that the judge permitted testimony from such flawed witnesses in a serious court of law. Noteworthy attorney Alan Dershowitz called NY vs. Trump “…the weakest case I’ve seen in 60 years of criminal law.”
As all this courtroom blather unfolded, I heard expert after expert describe the Trump trial as: a Soviet-style Show Trial; a complete miscarriage of justice; and an obvious attempt to interfere with the election and keep Mr. Trump from winning the presidency.
Those critics and observers all agreed that our system of “justice” was being twisted, perverted, and damaged – perhaps beyond repair. None, however, could identify any remedy that would accomplish timely arrest of the travesty that all saw happening. One journalist said it was like watching a train heading for a certain wreck. You knew what was happening, but no means of stopping it was available. Others said that only the voters could correct the situation by re-electing Mr. Trump. But if he couldn’t stop the corruption when he was in office before, how could he do it in a second term? Wouldn’t the corrupted legal system just romp triumphantly onward, impervious to any attempts to reform it?
Millions of voters, watched with disbelieving eyes as conservative outlet Fox News spent hour after hour of broadcast time covering the courtroom smear-job on Donald Trump – with scant reference to the likelihood that any “guilty” verdict from the bogus proceedings would almost certainly be overturned on appeal. Individuals in my circle of acquaintances have asked me if a remedy for this travesty would arise; or are we doomed to watch the Ship of State go down?
My reply to those plaintive questions revolves around Grandma’s old wisdom about the Lord’s “mysterious ways” and Dorothy’s realization, in her Wizard of Oz adventure, that the ruby slippers she was wearing gave her the power to return home whenever she wished.
The “mysterious ways” aspect of Mr. Trump’s “show trial” persecution – which neither his friends nor his enemies can understand – is that no matter how many “kitchen sinks” the corrupt New York court throws at him, Mr. Trump’s stock soars ever higher in the polls.
News coverage shows the 45th President of the United States – once the most powerful person in the world – sitting impassively in the courtroom, while judge, prosecutors, and witnesses shovel piles of legalistic doo-doo meant to overwhelm and destroy him. Anti-Trump commentators declare repeatedly, with faux gravity, that the final nails have been hammered into The Donald’s coffin. “They’ve got him now; he can’t recover from this;” etc.
But it’s not happening. Away from the courtroom the former servant of the people is laughing at his persecutors’ ineptitude. And Scripture seconds the motion. If you’ve ever wondered about the Lord’s ways, and whether He has a sense of humor, check out:
- Isaiah 55:9 – “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.
- Psalm 75:7 – “God is the judge: he puts down one, and sets up another.”
- Psalm 2:4 – “He that sits in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.”
Does a trumped-up trial of a former president – the first-ever in our history – really merit the lavish media coverage that it gets? Perhaps so, if one’s operative question is “Where’s the conflict?” But at the end of the day, this coverage might actually turn out to illustrate the Lord’s “mysterious works,” and be a blessing in disguise. I hope so.
Millions of voters – including those who like to say that all politicians “are crooks” – are having their thinking adjusted by watching what’s being done to Mr. Trump. Goodly numbers wonder what’s happened to our system of “justice.” And even some Democrats are recognizing that we might be destroying the presidency if we continue in this way.
My view is that the Ruby Slippers solution – the part we can actually have a hand in – for the legalistic mess being heaped on Mr. Trump still comes down to the votes of The People. The more publicity the corrupt legal persecution of Mr. Trump gets, the more voters will be alerted and energized to boot out the varlets, brigands and poltroons responsible for what’s being done.
This is as good a time as any for us to grasp that some crazy people, willing to wreck our system of government for their own political ends, are involved in our legal system. Insanity or outright criminality can explain what we see going on. But only visible corruption on this scale can persuade voters to elect candidates who will enact real reform.
The prayer of every American who cares about the country’s future should be that an electoral “mutiny” will rise up to stop this corruption before it can monster-mash its way across America. If it isn’t defeated, we’ll remember Donald Trump for more than his hair and his manner. His destruction will be a metaphor for the death of the America we knew and loved.

1 comment
Under the Soviet system the Uniparty is moving us to, our votes will not count and they will dictate as they please. The courts will simply be an extension of that dictatorship and those who oppose the new world order will be jail just as they are attempting to do to Trump!