Last year, a massive, 12-mile-wide volcano, Tonga’s Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai, blew up, and many, maybe most, people don’t know it happened or what it means – it’s another inconvenient truth ignored by the media.
Longtime readers may recall that for years, I (along with many others) have written about historical weather patterns – always in constant change – and how there is no such thing as “what the weather is supposed to be.” There is certainly no “normal” climate other than what one might generally observe at any given time. And there absolutely is no such thing as “settled science.” That’s a rhetorical slur to scientific inquiry, as history demonstrates time and again.
Ice ages, mini-ice ages, warming cycles, and droughts that have lasted centuries have come and gone. Once verdant lands are now deserts. (There is a reason Greenland was so named.) Seas have been much higher and lower, and sea ice comes and goes. The Sun’s activity and the Earth’s axis position are critical but poorly understood. And CO2 – the bogeyman of the climate change crazies – has likewise been much higher when it was much colder and even lower when it was much higher! Regardless, it remains a minuscule amount of the atmosphere at either extreme.
While global temperatures have ranged steadily between 2.0°F since 1880, the only reality about Earth’s climate is that it changes often. And humans don’t have much to do with it and couldn’t change it if we did.
Climate zealots (cheered on by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) demand a limit on global warming to no more than 1.5°C, or 2.7°F, above pre-industrial times to avoid “irreversible” consequences. Yet a review of the hysterical claims of doom since the 1970s shows not one has come true. Not one.
Contrary to the frantic headlines across the mainline media outlets that claim this summer represents the breaking point for the climate crisis – and this is the hottest weather ever as proof of climate change – important new studies sponsored by the Smithsonian demonstrate that like CO2, global temperatures in periods of recent history have been much higher than today. In the not-to-distant past, the mean temperature may have risen by as much as 9-14°F, with average global temperatures reaching as high as 73°F versus a worldwide average of 56.7°F in the last one hundred years.
None of this means that humans can’t or don’t disrupt or foul their surroundings – every living organism does that. Nor does it mean humans can’t pollute rivers, oceans, and everything in between. They can, and they do. But, especially in the US, there have been incredible strides in cleaning our waterways and reclaiming once-polluted grounds. And we will only get better at that. People who own things keep them in better order.
This brings us to volcanoes and how the climate change “money” train is organized and exploited by the modern-day gangsters, the ruling elite, corrupt science, and a media propaganda machine that long ago abandoned serious journalism. They merely skip over historical and immediate events under their collective noses.
Volcanic activity has always had enormous effects on the climate. We’re mainly affected by volcanic eruptions above ground that can alter and cool global weather for years or even thousands of years.
One of history’s largest known eruptions, the Deccan Traps, happened around 66 million years ago in today’s Western India. Its eruptions lasted over 300,000 years, pumping staggering amounts of sulfur dioxide, pulverized particles, and other debris into the stratosphere and laying lava fields estimated to be around 700,000 cubic miles (three times the size of France) and over 6500 feet deep in places.
The serial eruptions of the Deccan Traps were roughly contemporaneous with the Chicxuulub impact, believed to have been a miles-wide asteroid or comet that hit off the Yucatan peninsula of modern Mexico. Some now believe this was the one-two punch that ended up to three-quarters of the plant and animal life – including the dinosaurs – as worldwide temperatures dropped between 50 and 75 degrees, creating a perpetual winter.
Space prohibits an extensive list of exceptionally violent eruptions because they’ve happened so often throughout history. From Yellowstone, Alaska, Peru, Greece, Indonesia, and the far eastern Kamchatka Peninsula of what is now Russia, massive eruptions have frequently changed the Earth’s weather for years.
In more recent history for which we have actual accounts, on June 8, 1783, Iceland’s Laki volcano erupted and “spilled a “flood of fire,” according to an eyewitness’s diary. It belched clouds of sulfur, fluorine, and hydrofluoric acid, blanketing Europe with the stench of rotten eggs. The Sun disappeared behind a haze so thick “that at noon it was too dark to read.” A fissure eruption like the Deccan Traps (yet minuscule in comparison, laying only 3.3 cubic miles of lava!) Laki had no cone but pulled the Earth apart for miles. Within eight days of the eruption, fluorine poisoning caused mass deaths, killing 20 percent of the population and most of the island’s livestock.
Benjamin Franklin recorded a “constant fog” over “a great part of North America” during the summer and cool temperatures. Severe droughts plagued India, China, and Egypt, causing thousands, perhaps millions of deaths. Cold temperatures in Japan ushered in the “year without a summer” and produced the worst famine in history. Throughout Europe, crops turned white and withered, and shriveled leaves covered the ground in June. Europe’s famine lasted three years; some historians have even suggested that Laki was responsible for the start of the French Revolution.
Tambora in 1815 had a wide-reaching cooling effect across the planet. Perhaps better known – and due to the telegraph – a worldwide event – Krakatoa blew up in 1883 and changed the global climate for years. (In the months following the explosion of Krakatoa, Los Angeles had a record of 38.18 inches of rain.)
In the twentieth century, we have had serial volcanic eruptions that have cooled the Earth. The largest was at Novaruto (a vent volcano) in 1912 on the Alaska Peninsula. Estimates put the ejected magma at 6.7 cubic miles, thirty times greater than Mount St. Helens eruption in Washington State in 1980. Ash reached 20 miles into the stratosphere. Between 1912 and 1914, the temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere were dramatically cooler (ranging from two to five degrees) and affected worldwide crops. Mt. Pinatubo in the Philippines was the century’s second-largest eruption in 1991 and caused worldwide temperatures to drop over one degree.
We’re learning now that submarine volcanoes can also significantly impact the weather. Instead of cooling, they can contribute to heating the Earth.
Last year, a massive, 12-mile-wide volcano, Tonga’s Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai, literally blew up, and many, maybe most, people don’t know it happened or what it means – it’s another inconvenient truth ignored by the media.
This was an extraordinary eruption of an active, well-known volcanic field in the Kingdom of Tonga, consisting of 170 islands some 2000 miles east of Australia and 3144 miles from Hawaiian islands.
The volcano’s caldera was submerged at approximately 500 feet when, on January 15, 2022, seawater collapsed into the magma level and became a super-heated blast zone that extended for over 160 miles. It is the largest atmospheric explosion ever recorded, which includes the most powerful nuclear blasts known, and recent studies estimated it to be 1,000 times larger than the bomb used at Hiroshima.
The shock waves from the explosion traveled around the globe several times, and the explosion created tsunamis in the greater Pacific region and beyond. More ominously, over 160 million tons of vaporized seawater was ejected 34 miles into the stratosphere, and according to NASA scientists, causing “hurricane-speed winds and unusual electric currents [in] the ionosphere” – Earth’s outer atmosphere. An estimated 400,000 to 500,000 lighting strikes were associated with the explosion in the first hours.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) reported it was the largest plume ever recorded. The staggering volume of water vapor represents 10 to 15% of the normally contained water vapor in the stratosphere. Some studies suggest it could take five to fifteen years to dissipate completely.
During the initial reaction to the eruption, NASA, NOAA, and other scientists advised that this extra water vapor could influence atmospheric chemistry, boosting certain chemical reactions that could temporarily worsen the depletion of the ozone layer and influence surface temperatures, perhaps up to two degrees over two years. Using data from its Aura satellite, NASA calculated the ozone, water vapor, and other atmospheric gases from the explosion and reported, “[This amount of water vapor] could end up temporarily warming Earth’s surface.”
Another scientist stated that in recent centuries, only the Krakatoa eruption of 1883 “rivaled the atmospheric disturbance produced [by Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai].”
Forbes concludes its analysis of the science, stating, “We can expect hot weather extremes this summer in the northern hemisphere as water vapor traps heat from escaping. Tonga will be impacting our climate for another few years before the water vapor dissipates.”

(The GOES-17 satellite captured images of an umbrella cloud generated by the underwater eruption of the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai volcano on January 15, 2022. Crescent-shaped bow shock waves and numerous lighting strikes are also visible. Credits: NASA Earth Observatory image by Joshua Stevens using GOES imagery courtesy of NOAA and NESDIS)
Yet, despite the early comments by various scientists and organizations, the mainline media outlets have essentially ignored those statements and the common sense conclusion that history demands. Instead, the headlines in USA Today, The Hill, The New York Times, Washington Post, The LA Times, and other outlets claim this is the hottest year ever – and the breaking point of climate change is here!
The LA Times screeched, “This is the hottest summer ever recorded in the Northern Hemisphere!” Later the reader discovers this, “With four months left in 2023, this year is so far the second-hottest on record, only marginally behind 2016.” Other media assert the temperature increase is 2.7°F – over the last 140 years – and the burden it’s causing those who have “never experienced cooler weather, only hotter.”( With an average global temperature of less than 59°F, it’s hard to believe the average person could tell that difference.)
The media objective is not to print the facts but to scare the be-jabbers out of folks. After all, the most powerful tool in the media’s arsenal is ignoring a story. We used to call this lying by omission.
This ridiculous propaganda expands into other events as well. There are preposterous stories about a Pacific hurricane off Southern California being “unprecedented” due to climate change, when a simple Google check shows it’s not unprecedented at all. Or a wildfire in Maui driven by climate change and an “unusual” off-shore hurricane – when neither is unusual. Or a hurricane that crosses Florida east to west is caused by climate change when a simple check shows it has happened before, even in the late 1800s.
No one should be surprised at this juncture. The world’s elite, assorted gangsters, political grifters, and general con artists backed up by the administrative managers of governments – want to control you and the society in which you live. Climate change is about getting their sticky little fingers on the trillions of dollars pouring into the scam – the con job – and accruing dictatorial powers.
You are invited to the party in the same way a pig is invited to a cookout.
Now, the green crazies are talking about shutting down even more traditional power generation in the form of coal, oil, natural gas – and, of course, nuclear plants. In the meantime, some states and countries are beginning to see how dangerous this trend is. The cost of wind and solar is astronomical, and they rarely meet expectations for reliable power output.
The only success for the climate zealots so far is in making the ruling class richer, and empowering the communist Chinese, who made most of the parts for wind and solar systems, and now control access to the vast majority of the world’s rare-earth materials those parts require.
But God’s Creation has a way of mocking those who think it is not in charge or is weak, sickly, and needs human supervision – as it did in Tonga. It’s about time we mere mortals – who will really suffer if the climate gangsters win – help out in that regard.
Mr. Giere,
It is Sunday, I am currently watching Face the Nation. The interview with Vice President Harris. At approximately 10:35 she is questioned precisely about her immigration initiatives, crossings were down earlier this year and you claim is was because of the policies. Now crossings are at a record, Are your policies not now working?
Harris response;
Lots of things fluctuate;
“the weather”
***The Democrat VP of The United States of America just admitted on a national news network;
Weather changes***
“Was A Democrat,” you made my day. Thank you for the tip. Imagine one of the dumbest politicians on the planet finally gets it. There’s hope for more of them!
The media is in the same business as every other business, the business of making money. Example. Everything Trump is a literal ratings goldmine for media. Truth be know, the left wing media would like nothing better than another Trump presidency due to the windfall profits they would bring into for the next decade. All they have is the weather (climate change) and racism, (their own) without Trump. The whole US crooked lawyer, fake justice system is on board the same train as the media. Has Trump, through his totally evil existence, likely created more millionaires than Chinese slave labor?
Life is about one thing for the masses, the love of money.
Lots to learn from Michael’s latest essay, as usual. Thank you for highlighting what mass media wants to ignore.
Ocean based wind farms seem to be killing whales at an inordinate rate. Sort of like the COVID vaxx.
Another informitve essay. SUPER!!!
Another informative essay!!! Thank you! You educate all of us.