Reliable sources tell us when the RPV State Central Committee votes on Saturday for a new Vice-Chairman, the race will be between Mike Schoelwer who previously ran for Chairman of RPV, and Kristi Way who was chief of staff for former Congressman Eric Cantor. The current Vice Chair, Mike Thomas, is stepping down after many years of service. Ben Slone, the chairman of the 7th Congressional district, has withdrawn from consideration for the position.
It is believed that RPV Chairman Rich Anderson supports Schoelwer for Vice-Chairman and it is hoped he will endorse him prior to Saturday’s vote. Schoelwer is a solid, grassroots, conservative who represent us well on SCC.
Also on the agenda for the SCC meeting on Saturday is choosing the nominating method for our statewide candidates in 2021. Will we have a convention or a primary? The meeting will begin at 10:00 and will be streamed live on Facebook.