Del. Barbara Comstock
Comstock scores a major endorsement on the heels of straw poll success, building palpable momentum just as the nomination contest reaches the home stretch.
Coming immediately on the heels of her crushing victory in the Loudoun County Republican straw poll (she apparently more than doubled the combined vote of all of her opponents put together), Del. Barbara Comstock has now picked up a key endorsement from one of the most prominent tea party leaders in and around the 10th District.
John Jaggers, one of the central organizers of the Northern Virginia Tea Party, today announced his enthusiastic support for Comstock. With endorsements like this, alongside an impressive raft of endorsements from Republicans and conservatives ranging all the way from Mitt Romney to radio talker Mark Levin, Comstock is showing a breadth of support that her opponents can only dream about.
The full text of Jaggers’ endorsement is below. Note, Jaggers offers his endorsement in his personal capacity only, and not on behalf of the Northern Virginia Tea Party.
In the 10th Congressional District Republican Primary, we have candidates who are all conservative. But one candidate stands above the rest. One has carried our conservative message while reaching out to broader constituencies. We need to have a winning coalition in this key Congressional swing district the Democrats will target with millions of dollars this fall.
Delegate Barbara Comstock has won three hard fought races in some of the toughest areas of the 10th Congressional District despite being a target of unions, NARAL, and Michael Bloomberg gun control groups. She has carried our conservative message and outworked her competitors. Election results prove her success. She won 10.6% more of the VA 34 district than the consultant-led state-wide races for Republicans. She beat her Dem candidate and Terry McAuliffe by 1.6%.
She worked with grassroots activists – including Tea Party activists such as myself – in opposing tax increases, working to stop Obamacare in Virginia; and fighting for our pro-life, pro-2nd amendment, and pro-taxpayer values. She’s worked with our leaders and most importantly won key legislative victories and elections for us.
Barbara is a representative who lives our values, votes our values, advances our values and carries our message to a broad center right coalition. We need a candidate who works with their constituents, listens, and then votes to make their lives better using conservative legislation and policy.
I heartily endorse Barbara and encourage all those conservatives who support conservative and Taxed Enough Already principles to support Barbara Comstock for Congress in the 10th Congressional District. Barbara has my support for the 10th congressional district.
Note: all statistics are derived from the results posted by the Virginia State Board of Elections
The party canvass to decide the nomination will be held on Saturday, April 26.