As Democrats look to pick up the pieces from their crushing defeat in November, they should consider the first step, which is to stop listening to Barack Obama.
It’s so disingenuous for Biden to claim that he is working for a smooth transition of power, and that he believes in democracy, when he is demonstrably working to undermine the incoming elected President Trump. According to reports the Biden administration is attempting to “Trump proof” the White House. How undemocratic.
The Biden administration is selling off the materials for building the wall, they know Trump is going to need this to complete a promise he made, that is complete a border wall, which Biden opposes. In addition, Biden is ordering that some Federal employees can stay home for another five years, he knows that Trump wants them back in the office, as of Jan. 20th. Furthermore, he knows Trump wants to reform the Federal bureaucracy, unions don’t like reform, so Biden is seeking to make it more difficult. Biden is also trying to undermine Trump’s foreign policy telling Ukraine that they can fire missiles deep into Russia. Biden is continuing to unconstitutionally push his, or maybe Jill’s pet project, that is forgiving student loan debt, as much as he can before January 20th. All of these actions could only be committed by someone who had no respect for the will of the voters.
The main problems with the Biden administrations out the door attempt to “Trump proof” the White House is first, it won’t work. It may just delay things a bit, but it won’t stop the Trump mandate. And the other problem is that it exposes Biden as a hypocrite. He said he believed in democracy and that it was at risk. Well, he could have stayed in the race and run against Trump, but he didn’t. At some level, even in his state of cognitive impairment he probably knew he would lose. So now that Trump has won the elections and before he takes office, Biden is going to try to use all the power he still has left to frustrate Trump’s abilities to govern. It’s a lame attempt to trip him up.
This brings me to the main weakness of Joe Biden that is he lacks moral character. He makes Bill Clinton seem like a decent guy.
I have been aware of Joe Biden since he first ran for President in 1988. Even back then I summed him up as a career politician, and unprincipled man, a man without substance, and a liar. And all those things have be proven to be true over the last 4 years. They way he is leaving office is no surprise.
I know it was a long time ago, so most don’t remember, but Biden dropped out of the 1988 race because he was caught lying. He falsified his resume and copied word for word a speech from a British socialist. He will take any position and say anything he feels he must. He entered politics for all the wrong reasons; he wanted power, fame and to enrich his family. Give him credit he did much of that, but as he leaves office with a 34 percent approval rating, it may be that much of his fame is really infamy.
You may say that while he is not loyal to principles such as democracy, he is at least loyal to his party. No, he is not. Democrats are in a world of hurt today because they put their faith in Biden.
Democrats, and the mainstream media, overlooked and covered for all his faults. His cognitive issues, his gaffes, and his lies. Because of that the American people don’t trust them. Democrats embraced him as a compromise candidate, and that was a huge mistake.
In 2020, I have no doubt that Democrats, under the leadership of Obama and Pelosi, made a deal with Biden. They cleared the field for him, in order to stop Bernie Sanders from becoming the party’s nominee. I have no doubt that Obama told Biden, we will clear the field for you, but to do that you will have to agree to be a one term President, and you will “pass the torch” to another Democrat in 2024. Joe lied said he would, but it was unenforceable. Obama couldn’t call him out, because that would no doubt jeopardize Democrats chances to keep the White House. And it would also expose Obama as a puppet master, which he is.
Obama and Pelosi believed that Biden had the best shot to beat Sanders and then Trump in the general election. They made a political calculation. They didn’t think much of Biden, but they felt he was the most plausible.
There were younger Democrats in the race, who at the time had more delegates than Biden at the time of the South Carolina primary, Pete Buttigieg and Senator Amy klobuchar. It could be argued that both were closer to the Party’s nomination than Biden in the early stages, yet they still deferred to him, and they dropped out. Obama and Pelosi probably told them that Biden agreed that he will only serve one term, and that he would then “pass the torch” likely to one of them. Buttigieg and Klobuchar went along for party loyalty, and 4 years wasn’t too long to wait, so they dropped out. But Biden is a liar who has no loyalty to party. He does want he wants. He wasn’t going to step aside for anyone.
I think in retrospect Democrats would have been better off to let the primary voters decide, and they probably would have nominated Sanders or Buttigieg in 2020. Democrats would have probably lost, but maybe not with enough cheating, but either way they’d be better off today. When the media and the Democrats could no longer cover for Joe in 2024, Mr. fix it, Barack Obama then meddled to get Joe out. It was way too late by then. He got Harris the nomination, she got blown out.
As Democrats look to pick up the pieces from their crushing defeat in November, they should consider the first step, which is to stop listening to Barack Obama.
As long as you wac jobs continue to look to the past, and still refuse to accept why Biden or anybody else could beat Trump in 2020, the Democrats shall return. Biden is the worst president in the history of the USA, but, Trump was the 2nd worst, and it really, really, is close. The USA is about $36 TRILLION IN DEBT. And without deficit spending, the USA has no economy what so ever. You are paying between $1-2 TRILLION PER YEAR IN INTEREST ALONE ON YOUR DEBT. You could not even survive without China, Vietnam, and a few other cheap labor countries. Congress allowed your chip plants and food plants to be sold to China. The USA robs its people for healthcare, higher education, groceries, to keep its fake, inflation driven, GDP up, and very little can even be manufactured anymore in the USA. It costs to much and the workers are to stupid to be trained. Few people can afford to own their own home in the USA anymore, even if they could find one for sale. The American dream is your nightmare. You bomb babies and children. The aircraft carrier USS Harry S Truman launches F-18 Super Hornets to bomb something that is none of our business and another U.S. ship, the USS Gettysburg, shoots down the F-18’s that the Truman just launched. Opps…….
Doesn’t really seem to matter cause all you want to talk about is Obama. 😂😂😂😂😂😂 8 years later.
Pelosi and Clyburn also were part of the ‘conspiracy’ or “orchestration,” as I wrote in a previous column in TBE. Had Clyburn endorsed Klobuchar, in the SC Primary as she was gaining momentum, the story would have been different. Not that a President Klobuchar would be better than Biden, but the “cabal}” of Obama-Pelosi-Schumer – Clybern wanted Biden was because they knew they could manipulate him. They knew he was an empty suit who just follows the direction of the bureaucrats, lobbyists and Democrat leadership. This cabal didn;t want Klobuchar or Warren or Bloomberg because they knew theyd be more indpendent and less of a pushover. It’s unreal that no national conservative site is bothering to write about this like Dave Shepard did so eloquently, but this is where it all began — 2020 campaign where Biden was “anointed: by teh Democrat elites and they pushed out more energetic and younger candidates, and frankly, any of them could have beaten trump that year.
Yes Obama was a still is a problem for freedom loving Americans/Virginians but if you concentrate your efforts on those Democrats you will be blind sided by the cloaked Democrats pretending to be Republicans.
Why do Virginia Republicans remain silent about issuing drivers licenses to illegal aliens?
Will Republican Governor Glenn Youngkin be assisting Homan in removing illegals from Virginia via this data? Or will Virginia Republicans remain Obamaesque?
Assuming you’re right, and that Obama does leave the scene, who takes over in his stead? Won’t be anyone other than a radical leftist who is determined to turn us into Venezuela. The Democrat Party has become akin to the Communist Party from the 70s and 80s. Rush Limbaugh, God bless his soul, said it very well in 2010 these words: “I’m not worried about Barack Obama, the country can survive Obama. What the country cannot survive is the 53% of the population who voted for him”.
I’d like to know more about Biden’s preemptive pardons. Can the recipients of his preemptive pardons still face a court proceeding?
I think they should be tried in a court of law regardless of the pardon. If they are found guilty, their sentence would be dismissed. In this way, we will learn the truth of what happened during Biden’s administration though the guilty will not be held accountable due to the pardon. The trials” proceedings will aid historians.
Obama was, indeed, the puppet’s string puller. Creepy Joe doesn’t know he’s breathing half the time and has taken our country to a new low of international contempt and disrespect. Obama did the same in taking us “down a notch” but Biden kept the momentum his boss had initiated. However, it’s a new day in America and Trump will, hopefully, clean house…literally taking the stench of corruption out of the White House…nationally and internationally. Not a moment too soon.