Another teachable moment is at hand, but the major corporate media is, as usual, ignoring the disaster created by Obamacare.
The lesson is simple: Socialism and its more radical kinfolk, as well as statist and authoritarian paradigms of various kinds, can only reliably produce inequality, poverty and misery – or death in advanced cases.
Collectively these ideologies are inevitably anti-God, anti-freedom and anti-individual. It’s in the DNA.
There are no exceptions to this “law,” and Obamacare is merely the latest example of that predictable failure.
Obamacare is in financial free-fall and is exactly the unmitigated catastrophe so many of us forecast when it passed in the dead of night in March, 2010 without a single Republican vote.
Over the last five years, untold tens of millions of American families have had their long-established healthcare plans upended, lost family doctors and trusted associations, have seen their premiums and deductibles explode and their family budgets destroyed.
But the worst is still to come. This week the White House confirmed the obvious; premiums will climb an average of 25% in 2017, and nearly one third of health insurers on the federal exchange are leaving the business.
It is nothing short of criminal. The radical left has perpetrated a massive fraud on the American taxpayer using bald-faced lies and fraudulent financial misrepresentations. It was rammed through by radical Democrats in Congress and signed by a radical leftist President – and neither will be held accountable.
Not one of those responsible for this nightmare will go to jail. No one will lose a penny of their government retirement or their gold-plated government healthcare plans. No one will lose a moment’s sleep.
The only losers are plain ‘ol, every day, hardworking Americans.
Our facetious, child-like President, instead of being horrified and remorseful at the damage and pain he has unleashed on millions of citizens, arrogantly dismisses his critics and suggests a “public-option” will give life to his Frankenstein. He boosts that, after all, “…30 million Americans have healthcare that previously didn’t have any.” What he didn’t say was that 10 million were actually enrolled into Medicaid, itself in financial crisis, and the vast majority of others that did enroll in Obamacare were not healthy young people, but people who have high usage profiles and require subsidies.
Before Obamacare medical delivery in the U.S. was not perfect, but for over 85% of Americans it worked well and the participants, when polled, thought their personal insurance was good. But the system was already a victim of a bewildering web of federal and state regulations and over-reach, driving up cost exponentially year after year through second guessing doctors on the ground, demanding unneeded services be added to insurance plans, and imposing massive overhead in the form of unrestricted malpractice litigation.
Obamacare merely doubled down on stupid, and has now succeeded in pushing the system to near collapse, blowing up premiums and shifting all of the expense to struggling middle income families, or the deficit ridden government.
Incredibly, there is no shame and no guilt on the part of Democrats – or Republicans. The government is at war with productive citizens, and is bound and determined to make their lives miserable. Sadly, the Republican leadership in Congress, given power in 2010, 2012 and 2014 to root out Obamacare and force the President’s hand, have been worse than worthless; they’ve been complicit. Instead of forcing a showdown with the President, or shutting down the government to force defunding, they have decided that the average American isn’t worth the effort. The Republicans aren’t even driven by ideology, they simply don’t have any fight in them.
Hillary Clinton has pledged to “expand” Obamacare and it is no secret she too wants a public option to begin socializing all healthcare. She and the radical left want power over each individual and their lifestyles – it is that simple.
For his part, Donald J. Trump is loud and clear in his opposition to Obamacare, and is pledging some common sense reforms as well as an renewed emphasis on personal and portable Health Savings Accounts, which would put every medical consumer back on a one to one relationship with his or her healthcare providers for routine care, and cover catastrophic disease or accident through supplemental insurance. Imagine that; putting actual consumers back in charge of their own decisions.
November 8th may be the last train stop on this fast track to hell. Mr. Trump is right on this issue, and as with most of his platform, offers solid conservative alternatives to the current madness.
There is no other choice.