“Ray Ortlund’s recent statement on X is a textbook example of Christian word splatter.”
(With co-author Logan Nyguist) Reprinted with permission.
Pastor Ray Ortlund of Immanuel Church in Nashville deleted a social media post endorsing Kamala Harris for president after receiving backlash. Ortlund explained that his post was misinterpreted, but many criticized his stance, especially due to Harris’ pro-abortion views, which some felt conflicted with Christian values. In response to criticism, Ortlund suggested that while abortion is evil, he believed other issues, such as the threat to the rule of law, were equally significant. Despite the backlash, Ortlund maintained his perspective but chose to remove the post to avoid further controversy.

It is sad but unsurprising that yet another pastor has endorsed Vice President and presidential hopeful Kamala Harris. Members of the remnant, like Apostle Paul, should always marvel and be heartbroken at how quickly others desert a position grounded in righteousness and gospel Truth for something less (Galatians 1:6). This is not the first time individuals have “abandoned the One Who formerly called you” by embracing leaders whose campaign promises promote death over life (1 Corinthians 15:26; John 10:10), gender disorder over creation order (Romans 1:26; Genesis 1:28, 5:1), and multiple other biblical issues.
Ray Ortlund’s recent statement on X is a textbook example of Christian word splatter (Proverbs 10:19), which, to his credit, he took down because “it was being misinterpreted.” Christians, whose way of life should be committed to following the ways of Christ (John 14:6), cannot simultaneously follow a leader whose primary platform is full of the encouragement of death (1 Kings 18:21). Harris’ candidacy aligns more with the religion of Molech (Leviticus 20:2) than the God of the Bible (Exodus 21:22-23). Following his endorsement of Harris, Ortlund’s statement, “Always Jesus,” comes across as cheap sloganeering and lacking in biblical reflection.
For years, leaders in “evangelicalism” have been rightly admonishing members of Jesus’ church to avoid making an idol out of political solutions, but too many have also wrongly insinuated or outright claimed that anyone who supports Donald Trump must be guilty of such idolatry. Tragically, some who previously recommended rejecting both candidates have now begun to endorse individuals whose positions are full of immorality and foolishness. Ortlund, and others like him, have moved from warning others to be discerning to now showing a lack of discernment of their own by endorsing someone like Harris who though she may model more comportment than Trump also clearly embraces less biblical conviction.
Has Ortlund made his endorsement based on which of the two candidates most aligns with the Christian worldview? It appears not. While it is understandable that some people of faith are unable to support President Trump because of character issues or his softening his convictions regarding the dignity of life and other issues of morality, it is not understandable that they then go on to endorse a candidate with even more obvious problems (1 Thessalonians 5:21). The drift from complacency to complicity is often slow but always deadly (Proverbs 24:30-34). Christians have never expected perfection when it comes to supporting presidential hopefuls. If they did, they would never have been able to vote for any candidate (Romans 3:10-11).
The glaring shortcomings of both candidates are a reminder of our fallen condition (Romans 3:23). The Bible, however, encourages us to advocate for freedom whenever the opportunity arises (1 Corinthians 7:21a). If one candidate promotes greater protection of life, creation order, gender, and marriage, the choice becomes more obvious. Christians should vote in a way that most reflects the biblical standard of righteousness (Micah 6:8) but not hold to an unreasonable standard of perfection. Only death and the Lord’s “completing what he began” in us (Philippians 1:6) at the moment of glorification (Romans 8:29-30) will produce the miracle of perfection in any of us. Until then, we will always be voting for imperfect persons, and we must do so by choosing the candidate most likely to advocate for policies consistent with the wisdom of God (Deuteronomy 1:13).
[The Remnant News presents today’s news and issues with a Biblical context. Strengthen your faith. Factual news for faithful Christians. Join 15K+ other readers and gain clarity, courage, and community. Subscribe here.]
“While the GOP platform is not perfect, there is nothing there that clearly advocates disobeying the scriptures.”
A flatout lie. There is absolutely nothing about either political party that advocates for the keeping of God’s Commandments. 1 John 2:4, ” He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.” Along with Biden and Harris, Trump is not capable of telling the truth about anything, anywhere, at anytime. What planet are you living on?
You talk about freedom. Well, Adam and Eve had freedom to choose between good and evil. The abortion deal is not about abortion. It is about freedom as you say. A woman, a man, both have the freedom to choose between good and evil . Some women choose abortion, some do not. You claim freedom, and what you really want to do is legislate and force your brand of righteousness on society. You actually want to take away freedom. I have never seen anyone go as far out of context using Scripture as it appears you do. If you really accept Jesus, you will love Him and keep His Commandments. If you accept Trump, Biden, Harris, you are accepting liars. 1 John 2:4, ” He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.”. No where in Scripture does it tell us to have faith in a man. The only truth comes from God. There is no truth in Harris, Trump, or Biden. Best Wishes!
Dehumanization has always been the false rationalization for such evils as slavery and genocide (and now abortion-on-demand). They must make their victims less than human. And in each case, it is an egregious lie. Abortion has never really been about “choice” — it is about selfish people escaping the consequences of their choices by taking away the choices of the most innocent among us.
“The right to life transcends other political debates and the interests of any and all political parties and candidates. It is truly the right without which no other right has any meaning.” (Tony Perkins, Family Research Council)
I would say that a vote for a Democrat at the national level is a vote for abortion. And a vote for same-sex marriage. Therefore it is a vote for evil. While the GOP platform is not perfect, there is nothing there that clearly advocates disobeying the scriptures.
The following article reveals the two most obvious biblically-valid moral ‘litmus tests’ that Christian candidates should pass.