President Reagan and President George W. Bush were also constantly attacked by the media, with an aim toward impeaching them. The biggest differences between Reagan/W. Bush and Trump is the amount of media available and the response from the Presidents themselves. Ronald Reagan was the happy warrior and George W. Bush always handled criticism with humility and class. President Donald Trump is running around to colleges to whine to 22 year old young adults that the media is treating him unfairly. This is a very poor move by the President. It makes him look soft. It makes it appear like he is more focused on the media than he is on running the country – and frankly, it shows.
President Ronald Reagan was blamed for creating millions of poor people at the very time he was getting America back to work. They blamed Reagan for homeless people. They blamed Reagan for AIDS. The media argued that Reagan didn’t help defeat the Soviet Union, all he did was bankrupt America. Let’s not forget Iran Contra. Here are some more attacks on Reagan.
November 3, 1984 – The Nation
Smiling racism
by Roger Wilkins
Southern politicians used to promise their redneck constituents that they would “keep the n*****s in their place,” and when elected, they proceeded to do just that. It has been reported that after losing an early election to just such a politician, George Wallace vowed never to be “outn*****ed” again. Well, it is clear that Ronald Reagan is not going to be “outcolored.”
March 2, 1987 -The Boston Globe
The buck stops with her
by Mike Barnicle
Maybe you noticed that since the whole Iran mess began, Mrs. Reagan’s husband has shown the command decision instincts of a glazed donut. He sat there like a stone for months, acting like someone whose IQ equals the mean temperature of St. Petersburg, Fla., as the entire government came crashing down around his Day-glo orange hair and wax-filled ears.
And let’s not forget Democrats blaming President George W. Bush for the September 11th attacks! They blamed President Bush for “stealing” the election. They accused him of Global Isolationism even as he built one of the largest international war pacts in history. They blamed President Bush, NOT PRESIDENT CLINTON, for ignoring warnings about OBL. They wanted to impeach Bush over the Plame Affair. They accused him of not caring about US Soldiers. They wanted to impeach him over domestic spying (programs less advanced than what was used under President Obama).
Why are we so sensitive now that President Trump is in office? Why did we trust President Reagan and President George W. Bush to stand strong in the face of constant media assaults, but we’re all worried about Trump’s feelings?
Everything seems worse while it’s happening and no one seems willing to admit it. We see this in sports all the time. Is so and so the greatest player ever?!?!?! Was such and such the greatest series ever?!?! Was team x the greatest team ever?!?! Everything is always the greatest or the worst when its happening.
President Trump isn’t going through anything worse than what President Clinton went through either; and President Clinton was still able to work with Speaker Gingrich to get legislation the country needed moved through Congress and signed into law.
President Trump is a big boy and there is no reason for us to feel like he’s somehow weaker or more vulnerable than any of our previous Presidents. Yes, he’s being investigated just like Bush and Clinton and Reagan were investigated.
Are the media attacks louder? Of course they are. They are amplified by social media and by the fact that there is so much more media out there. But remember, President Reagan was getting slammed by the liberal media and the Republican Washington Establishment. So, if that’s what makes Trump’s situation so difficult, maybe he should take a look at how Reagan handled it when Reagan went through it.
I’m just tired of listening to Republicans whine and complain that our President is getting attacked. Of course he is. What did you think was going to happened? That Democrats and the media were all going to start fawning over him the moment he walked into the Oval Office? Did you think that all those Republicans that hated him during the Republican Primaries were going to fall in love with him after he won in November? If so, why? If not, then what are you complaining about?
I’ll say it again. President Donald Trump is a big boy. He can handle this. The Republican Party can handle this. Even you….even you can handle this. It’s going to be OK.