America was founded almost 250 years on the principles of rugged individualism and self-sufficiency. Even in those days the journey from the old world to the new world was fraught with peril and many of America’s early settlers did not survive the journey due to exposure to the elements or disease. Upon arrival in the new world our ancestors, despite the harsh living conditions, banded together and formed the nascent communities that have over time evolved into major and vibrant colonial cities such as New York and Boston. The eventually expanded out west drawn by the prospects of abundant land and resources that were only available in the old world to nobility or people of means.
After these cities were established and thriving people were drawn to the vast expanse of the western United States where land was readily available for the taking and one could become affluent overnight if they struck it rich while panning for gold in the California Republic of striking oil in the vast expanses of the Republic of Texas. The American spirit of adventurism and self-reliance was indeed, live, and well but even then, there were those who were less fortunate and American communities lead by church groups or simply good neighbors looked after those who were less fortunate or down on their luck. Neighbors indeed helped neighbors through such organized activities as barn raisings or even gestures of kindness as preparing meals for those unable to provide for themselves.
Unfortunately, I have seen the spirit of volunteerism precipitously decline in my lifetime. I suspect the pressures of an economy that requires both parents to work, the decline of organized religion, increasing political animosity, and the rise of social media which for some appears to have become a religion in itself have all contributed to the unwillingness of many to get involved in local community activities that not only benefit those in need but lift the spirits and is good for the soul of those who volunteer.
Civic minded organizations such as the Lions Club, the Ruritans, Rotary International, and the Sons and Daughters of the American Revolution who aid those less fortunate are struggling to survive as older member “age out” and new members for whatever reason are reluctant to join and contribute to the greater good of the community. Many of these organizations have been forced to reduce their operations or even close to the detriment of those who rely on the “safety net” they can provide to get them through tough times.
I do not pretend to have the solution to stop this disturbing trend and even among the younger members of my own family I see a reluctance to step up and serve the community. I can only offer that when goes out of their way to give back to their community it not only feels good to the individual who has given time out of his or her day to extend a helping hand, but it is appreciated by those who perhaps need a just a temporary hand up vice a hand out. After all, it is all about service above self – make this be your Christmas blessing.
it is a shame that membership in civic clubs, Scouts, etc. are dropping, but this is largely due to the Internet and people spending so much time on their phones and on social media (or, reading articles like this — and it’s a good article). But for the sake of Republican politics, we also have a problem with volunteerism. We have all-too-many people who want to be “poll watchers}” just sitting there watching people vote instead of being on the outside getting Republicans and independents to vote for our candidates. Now that Trump is in and nobody complained about “stolen elections” perhaps well see more volunteers spending their time knocking doors, making calls, texting, and most important, GOTV. But this poll watching program has to be limited ot ONLY questionable precincts, not just everywhere.
Ken, “perhaps well see more volunteers spending their time knocking doors, making calls, texting, and most important, GOTV. ”
AMEN Sir and Merry Christmas !
Hi James – Lions Club International, for example, is cautioned by the American Life League One really needs to check out these charities/civic groups – many of which support causes that you and I both abhor.
Merry Christmas
OK — thanks! Merry Christmas to you as well!
Hi James – Sorry, you’re wrong – you need only check out the American Life League “Charity Watch List” to learn why some groups mentioned are not so good.
Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus Member
Sorry i do not see the organizations that i cited in my essay e.g. “Lions Club, the Ruritans, Rotary International, and the Sons and Daughters of the American Revolution ” listed in your reference
I grew up fairly poor with my grandparents in the sticks. My Pops used to say you had to be in dire straits or lazy to even think of accepting charity. During the depression he would let hobos stay in the basement of their house in town in exchange for working in the food garden. Years later, when I ended up with them at six years old, my part of the house was that same basement. I was expected to earn my keep. I learned volunteering by listening to WW2 vets telling their stories in a small taxi shed they would hang out in. When old enough, I joined the county volunteer fire department and was introduced to the fine art of foundation saving. I met many people who were in true dire straits, listening to their wails of grief for lost loved ones. No one to depend on except extended family. Then I joined the navy and saw more people in need in various humanitarian missions. Fast forward to today, I don’t see many people in true dire straits. I see governments who spend billions to build operations that sometimes hands out a little aid. Those in true dire straits continue to suffer.
Steve, GREAT family story and yes unfortunately “Those in true dire straits continue to suffer …”
Please beware. Some of the so called “civic minded organizations” cited here also provide financial support to Planned Parenthood.
JKNIGHT RE “Some of the so called “civic minded organizations” cited here also provide financial support to Planned Parenthood.” that is not true.
Please cite your source(s)
If he is referring to the K of C and CAP he is dead wrong. I suspect that he is an anti-Catholic trying to denigrate the K of C. I hope that I am wrong.
Sir Merry Christmas to you as well Sir!
I agree but I am not seeing it quite as dire. I have been a member of several “service” organizations such as the Knights of Columbus, since 1964 and the Civil Air Patrol since 1958. In all those years I have seen young folks stepping up to take the places of those of us old folks. It’s especially heartening to see the 12 year old boys and girls volunteering to become cadets in the CAP. Some drop out after a while but most stay on into adulthood and become senior members. Service before self is our motto and we live up to it. Take heart sir. It’s alive and well. Merry Christmas
Michael A. Crognale. Lt COL CAP