The Bull Elephant team was out in force at the Liberty Farm Festival to bring you the sights and the sounds of the event. First up, for anyone that is interested, here is the full audio of Vice Presidential candidate, Mike Pence’s speech to the audience.
There were lots of campaigns in attendance.

Tom Garrett Booth

The Glenn Davis rig

John Adams for Attorney General
And lots of organizations.
Martha shown bright as always.

Martha and friends

Martha and Ed Gillespie
And there were candidates everywhere.

State Senator Bryce Reeves (running for Lt. Gov.)

State Senator Tom Garrett (running for Congress)

Delegate Rob Bell (running for Attorney General)

State Senator Jill Vogel (running for Lt. Gov.)
There were many friends

E.W. Jackson

PWC Supervisor Jeanine Lawson

RPV Chairman John Whitbeck

Delegate Randy Minchew

Former Atty. Gen. Ken Cuccinelli
Along with plenty of fun for the kids.
Our heartfelt thanks to Martha Boneta for opening her home for a day of fellowship and fun. I will close with my favorite picture of Martha that I think captures the joy and energy she brings to everything she does (plus I took the picture so I can use it if I want to).