With early voting already underway many of us will be soon exercising our right to vote – the foundation of our representative democracy that has stood the test of time for almost 250 years. However, I suspect many have already made up their minds on how to cast their vote. Those who are Democrats will vote for their party’s candidates and those that are Republicans will do likewise.
Perhaps this is done strictly out of party loyalty or because they like their parents they believe that this is the right thing to do. Sadly, this blind allegiance to vote the party line without a serious examination of the issues is not what our Founding Fathers intended for us as an informed and enlightened electorate.
Elections are not won or lost not by the party’s base but rather by those independent voters in the middle. As an informed electorate, they have taken the time to carefully review those issues and cast their vote based on their analysis of the issues and the pros and cons of each respective candidate.
As Ronald Reagan asked President Jimmy Carter in the 1980 Presidential debate “Are you better off than you were four years ago?” I would ask those Independents a similar query “Are you better off than you were two years ago when the Democrat Party assumed control of the Executive and Legislative branches of our national government? I suspect most of you would answer no.
When the Democrat Party assumed office in January 2020, we were a nation was that essentially energy dependent and a net exporter of energy, we had one of the lowest employment rates in recent history to include many minority groups, our borders were secure, and inflation was negligible. President Biden was ostensibly elected to office to “unify” the county and tone down the rhetoric. In other words, many Americans looked to him to return the nation to “normal” and be the father figure to heal our differences.
If anything, allowing the Democrat Party to assume control of our lives has caused the opposite. Our borders are porous causing a mass influx of fentanyl which has killed thousands of our youth; violent crime in our inner cities is at an all-time high; inflation is rampant, and the country is hardly unified – and all of this happened in just a short two years and yet the Democrat Party is asking you as a voter to give them two more years to try to get it right!
So, when you cast your vote, I would urge you to make an informed decision and ask your self are we better off than we were two years ago. From my perspective, the answer is NO so please make an informed decision based on facts and logic. After careful consideration and reflection, I believe you will not be voting for the party that has had two years to get it right.