If you live in rural Virginia chances are you’ve had a deer run into your car or you know someone who has. (We don’t hit them, they run into us.) Mating season for deer, called rut, has begun. For the next three months accidents with deer will increase. Virginia ranks 12th on the list of states with the highest number of deer accidents. We have a one in 99 chance of hitting a deer, although I’m sure it’s much higher in places like western Loudoun where we see deer every day.
The list of the states where you are most likely to hit a deer:
- West Virginia (one in 46)
- Montana (one in 57)
- Pennsylvania (one in 63)
- Wisconsin (one in 72)
- Iowa (one in 73)
- South Dakota (one in 75)
- Minnesota (one in 77)
- Michigan (one in 80)
- Wyoming (one in 88)
- Mississippi (one in 91)
You could always move to Hawaii where there are almost no deer accidents because there are almost no deer, but they do have wild boars. Not sure what the accident rate is for boars.