Gubernatorial Candidate Corey Stewart made campaign stops at Hampton and Richmond over the weekend energizing crowds with the fiery grandiloquence that has marked his campaign. Left aside from his weekend engagements were mentions of “Chicken Ed” or Frank “In-The-Tank” Wagner; which makes me wonder if we could be seeing a more positive Corey emerge from the political mud pit?
At La Bodega in Hampton, he championed liberty-minded issues such as removing Red-Light Cameras and simplifying concealed carry permits. Stewart also managed to state numerous positives on the tax environment from Prince William County, stating that since he took office they have reduced taxes overall by 30%. So why have Trump supporters come out in the past blasting Corey over supposed tax hikes? The link below is from a conversation between John Fredericks and Grover Norquist in 2013:
We bloggers are sometimes accused of bias; most of it from the left, but a little friendly fire here and again. I never seek to write a hit piece on anyone, as I myself am a flawed individual and don’t want the favor returned. John Fredericks, who I listen to and respect, has switched positions on Stewart. He defended Stewart against my so-called ‘hit piece’ last Friday in the comments section. It seems a few months ago the radio host shared some of my concerns, giving audience to Mark Rubino discussing Stewart and the ‘killshot’ on Trump’s VA campaign. Last summer while Stewart was still with the Trump campaign, none of this criticism existed.
That being said, I am a firm believer in following the money and holding representatives feet to the fire. I get paid nothing for my services. Zip. Bupkis. Corey Stewart was paid over $90 grand from a minor league baseball team for reasons the team media director won’t divulge to me. A local waste collection company has given Stewart $50 grand and they unload for free at PWC Landfill while local taxpayers have to pay $45 p/ton on top of a $70 annual fee for using said landfill. We do this same critique of Will “Money” Sessoms and City Council here in Virginia Beach, and it can be useful.
In the end I believe Stewart is going to get his wish. The primary come June will be a referendum on White House. Apparently there are still grumblings over who did what to help or hurt Trump lose a state that didn’t even matter in the electoral win. Interestingly enough a former Rubino staffer came out last December heaping praise on Stewart and rebuking her former boss.
“Corey poured his heart and soul into the Trump campaign. He was barnstorming the state, speaking at rallies… the only Virginia politician to take the risk and support Trump from the start,” said former campaign intern Christianne L. Allen.
Rubino spent so much time degrading Stewart as not being a team player on Frederick’s show, and then his former intern who obviously was close to both rebukes his claim? Allen went as far to say as Corey for Governor was an idea pushed by Rubino during the campaign. In other words, he enabled his ambitions.
In other circles, Frank Wagner and Stewart spent time chasing their own ambitions rather than helping with the task at hand. I know several Hampton Roads grassroots activists that knocked on doors, put up signs and dedicated their weekends completely autonomous and independent from the RNC or the RPV.
Former campaign worker Trina Philips managed several offices in Hampton Roads. “I ran three offices for Trump; I didn’t see Corey or Frank in any of them. Ed helped make calls and knock on doors while others chased the spotlight.”