On Sunday three more Virginians died from the coronavirus, three women in their 80’s living on the Peninsula. A child in Gloucester, under age 10, has been diagnosed with the virus. When the number of cases of the virus in Virginia jumped 44% overnight, the Governor asked that we prepare for “months, not weeks”. Governor Northam will continue to give daily press conferences at 2:00 pm.
We now have 219 confirmed cases of the virus. The current breakdown by county from the Virginia health department:
Maryland now has 245 cases of the virus with 3 deaths. CLOVID-19 by county:
A bit of humor in these trying times:
I wondered what my parents did before there was the internet. I asked by 13 brothers and sisters, they didn’t know either.
I told my friend she was drawing her eyebrows too high. She looked surprised.
Stay inside, stay safe and stay sane. We’ll keep you posted.