Sunday Memes–It’s the context, part deux
written by Jeanine Martin
December 17, 2023
Jeanine Martin
Also known as Lovettsville Lady, I am a Republican activist in the wilds of western Loudoun County.
Awful quiet around here lately. Let’s try this for the locals:
“ To any GOPers left who still believe the party will be saved by co-opting the MAGA movement and steering them back to “normal,” this is your intervention: it’s time to call it off. I know you tried, I know you fought. I know you prayed. But you cannot co-exist with MAGA anymore. I’m sorry, but the values you hold are the antithesis of what MAGA believes. Your strength and ability to think for yourself, is an unacceptable trait in MAGA, they only want compliant, weak and broken down people who need to belong to a group to feel safe. Viewpoints don’t matter. Policy doesn’t matter. That isn’t you.
………You have been co-opted, mocked, beat down, and twisted into a pretzel to make your MAGA spouse happy. But, they will never be happy. The entire format is based on victimhood, perpetual conflict, and pointing out your shortcomings not to make you better, but to make you more compliant. MAGA hopes that you just become exhausted and give up…give them your vote, and let them lead the country into a complete dumpster fire…..”
Are you Pro Illegal Immigration and so Pro that you would allow payroll fraud and legislation to compound the problem?
The Republican Party in Virginia can’t be saved because they are driven by greed and they sold their souls to the devil.
I will elaborate more but have to wait until after the 2024 General Assembly Session.
They’ve been given the rope and are currently hanging themselves.
During the recent Campaign in our area;
Standing in my yard talking current legislation with our Republican Senator he turned and said to our Republican Delegate;
“We can’t count on his support” he went on to explain why to the Delegate and finished by saying;
“We messed up”
Yea Trump is a blowhard but remember he exists because of the illegal immigration and do nothing Republicans.
Because your daddy’s Republican Party
Just talks the talk.
Send All Illegal Aliens to NOVA & Richmond
Short answer to am I pro illegal immigration: No
Nor do I believe that Trump gives a crap about illegal immigration either or wants to “save” the Republican Party.
Trump is sincere about building the wall but is half hearted on illegal immigration because he fails to flap his fat mouth about the illegal employment that fosters the growth, that half hearted effort puts him squarely in line with Virginia Republicans;
Governor Glenn Youngkin AND
Attorney General Jason Miyares.
Have you watched our local 13 news this morning?
He was in Roanoke yesterday talking (Trump “talks” also) about human trafficking. He wants folks to be on the lookout for large groups of immigrants housed in a single home.
So the elected senior law man in Virginia wants citizens to tip them off to people who are residing in a home? WTF!
How come he can’t use current Virginia Employment Laws and have Youngkin request from our General Assembly to bring legislation in 2024 to compliment the enforcement of these laws and close any loopholes?
Ask yourself;
How come our AG hasn’t brought for a policy to Virginia’s Governor to implement that has “Interdepartmental Communication” (reference failures of lack of interdepartmental communication in the 9/11 Commission Report)
of State Agencies?
Is this negligent or by design?
😂 and to think he wants to be Governor, using neighbors for enforcing Virginia laws?
We don’t need a Governor that just washed dishes in his family’s restaurant but one who knows how easy it is to hire illegally.
Like I say I cannot elaborate more at this time but I will after our 2024 GA.
Until Virginia Republicans wake up;
Trump 2024 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Now don’t think that I just pick on Republicans, with Democrats I need not expense that time on their Zoo.
Speaking of Zoos,
Let’s think about our lovely intelligent Attorney General;
He wants to run for Governor but just how much time has this elected official spent on the States AG Office working with The VEC & Department of Commerce on illegal employment, employee misclassification and the fact that illegal aliens are employed in this way?
Hopefully he has at least 10% of the time invested in the Natural Bridge Zoo.
Folks we can’t keep electing people who just monkey around, 🙈 🙉 🙊
Illegal Aliens have been coming to Virginia for years because of complicit Republicans.
Many Va. Republicans cry;
Trump ruined the Republican Party yet on the employment of illegal workers Trump said;
“We are not going to slow up commerce but Wes are going to make sure everyone is playing by the rules”
Honestly in the past nine years posting here I have yet to witness any Va Republican with that thought, Glenn Youngkin included.
Trump didn’t ruin the Republican Party but Va. Republicans have ruined a large segment of Virginia’s legal workforce.
2024 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Because he is not a Virginia Republican
Just another case of illegals sucking up American resources.
Senator Turberville is bringing for legislation to prevent illegals from using the Veterans Healthcare System.
Now this should get some folks upset as well as me but what did DeSteph think his and Youngkin’s “independent contractors” were going to do?
Folks once again;
Your 🫵 paying for some Representatives illegal labor.
Trump should never be seen with these
Pro Illegal Immigration Republicans from Virginia.
On another Youngkin note;
So he wants the Wizards & Caps to come to Virginia and will obviously use Virginian’s tax dollars to accomplish it all while say it will create sooooo many jobs.
Will this “deal” require that all employers and “independent contractors” have a valid Virginia Employment Commission Account Number?
If not how can Youngkin “claim” it will create any jobs?
NO VEC Account then absolutely NO validation in any job numbers.
The numbers would be in the “context”
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