The Supreme Court will not hear the case of discrimination against Asians in their admission to TJHSST.
In the past Thomas Jefferson high school for science and technology was the number one school in the country for decades. That is no longer true since the school has done away with any testing or recommendations for admission. Now, admission is based on a lottery in middle school. Admission requirements were changed in an effort to increase the number of Blacks. The school has been trying to do that with endless programs over the last 30 years to help increase the number of Blacks at the school, a lottery was their last resort.
A group named Coalition for TJ objected to the lottery because it is discriminatory against Asian students.
From the Virginia Political Newsletter:
“The first class admitted with these new policies saw an increase in Black and Latino students.
During the 2020-2021 school year, 72% of TJ students were Asian, 1.7% were Black, 3% were Hispanic, and 18% were White.
After the new admissions policies were enacted, the Black student population rose to 3.3%, Hispanic to 5.4% and White to 19.6% in 2022-2023.
The Black and Hispanic student population continued to rise for the 2023-2024 school year.
The court did not release a reason for why they declined to hear the case. Only two justices dissented from the decision.”
Those two Justices were Justice Alito and Justice Thomas.
They said in their dissent:
“What the Fourth Circuit majority held, in essence, is that intentional racial discrimination is constitutional so long as it is not too severe,” they wrote. “This reasoning is indefensible, and it cries out for correction.”
This is a shame, the best school in the nation is turning down more than qualified Asians who can take advantage of the rigorous course work at TJ, so they can admit more Blacks. It’s racial discrimination that shouldn’t exist anywhere in our country.
More details here.
I abhor another affirmative action DEI load of crap. But why does a county have a special school at taxpayer’s expense? Why does anyone get to go to a school that gives them a so called elite education on the taxpayer’s dime? Everyone should get the same shitty education that is offered at the rest of the public schools… or whatever it is. I could also care less for the Asians who vote majority democrap there in the Emerald City… suck it up bitches… you vote for Democrats and DEI.. boo hoo if your little extra school offspring now don’t get in to that elite school..
Somehow the post missed the key phrase. Socialist concept of equity has nothing to do with the capitalist concept of equality. Equity is enslavement while equality is liberty.
Our two children attended TJ, back in the mid to late 1990’s. The all-day admissions test was intense. The scrutiny of grades and past academic achievements was of the caliber for admissions to a top technical university. The four years of study, at TJ, was at the level of the first two or three years of a respectable engineering college. Admission tests and academic achievements were the two most important parts of being selected.
Today, a top student applying for TJ, and not being selected for admission will wonder, perhaps wonder the rest of their lives, why a less qualified student was selected. Fairfax is in one sense creating the opposite of what they are touting – equality.
Fairfax is not touting equality but the socialist concept. It is unconstitutional and clearly racist.